EATiP in Government Europa: How to approach aquaculture innovation

European aquaculture encompasses the cultivation of a wide range of fish and shellfish species and is a truly pan-European production activity, which has grown rapidly from a cottage industry in the 1960s into an industrial sector that is composed of multinational companies, SMEs and family firms.

A common thread to each of aquaculture’s components is the knowledge base that has been developed through innovative research and development activities, led by universities and institutes throughout Europe, which have contributed to globally recognised levels of excellence in innovation.

Aquaculture in Europe has created a dynamic and effective knowledge-based sector. While most of the products of European aquaculture are destined for the European consumer, the sector’s service and knowledge activities have set international standards for global aquaculture innovation and development.

The European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EATiP) has been designed to include all members of the European aquaculture value chain, from suppliers through producers to processors within the profession, as well as leading research groups and key representative organisations.

Goverment Europa this week had a chat with EATiP general secretary Alexandra Neyts about the importance of a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to aquaculture innovation. Among the things that were discussed, was the strategic research and innovation agenda (SRIA) and EATiPs involvement in different aquaculture projects.

(Retrieved from

Read the article here! 

SRIA and projects

You can read the Review of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda document here. Also, make sure to read about the projects EATiP is involved with.

Involved in aquaculture research? Aquaexcel2020 16th call for access is now open

Researchers involved in aquaculture can now apply for full EC-funded access to top-class research facilities, with AQUAEXCEL2020,now that the 16th call for access is open.

The following is retrieved from the AQUAEXCEL2020 website, where you can read the original post. 

On a regular basis, the AQUAEXCEL2020 project will invite proposals from European research groups for scientific research that utilises the facilities of any of the participating aquaculture research infrastructures. The AQUAEXCEL2020 project unites major aquaculture experimental facilities with capacity to undertake experimental trials on a selection of commercially important fish aquaculture species and system types. These installations are made available to the research community for Transnational Access (TNA) with the support of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. Transnational Access involves a research group in one country collaborating with one or more AQUAEXCEL2020 Infrastructures that are located in a different country to the applicant, and which offer facilities and expertise not available in their own country.

The facilities available cover the entire range of production systems (cage, pond, recirculation, flowthrough, hatchery and disease challenge); environments (freshwater, marine, cold, temperate and warm water); scales (small, medium and industrial scale); fish species (salmonids, cold and warm water marine fish, freshwater fish and artemia); and fields of expertise (nutrition, physiology, health & welfare, genetics, engineering, monitoring & management technologies).

Interested researchers can propose projects that involve visits of one or in some cases two people to the chosen research infrastructure for periods of up to three months. Access to the research infrastructures and associated travel and subsistence expenses will be paid for under the project. The establishment of new transnational collaborations is strongly encouraged, as well as the participation by SMEs.

A wide range of different facilities is available for researchers who apply for TNA (transnational access).

Application demands

In considering the exploitation potential, attention will be given to how the work contributes to meeting the objectives of EATiP, as defined in the thematic Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (“The Vision”) ( The EATiP strongly encourages TNA applications related to Social Licence, Precision Farming and Resource Efficiency. However, applicants are also welcome to submit applications outside of these thematic areas.

Application procedure

Information on the facilities offering Transnational access is available at this project website and in the documents below. Applicants are required to contact their preferred partner facility to discuss the project design and costs for the proposed project, before the submission of an application. Applications must be prepared and submitted via the TNA online application system. Each person involved in the application must first create an individual username to access the system. Further guidance on using the system is provided at that website.

This Call for Access is NOW OPEN.

The normal processing time for applications is 3 months, so applications for TNA projects should be made well in advance!

Note: Before using the TNA application system, please add the following e-mail address to the  “safe sender list” in your anti-spam or e-mail software to ensure you receive all communications from the system:

The documents below contain the necessary information related to the 16th Call for Access: 

Further details about the scheme and full instructions for preparing and submitting proposals are given in these documents. For further queries regarding the Call for Access please contact John Bostock:

Do you have a project idea but need help to find the right facility? Please contact the orientation committee of AQUAEXCEL2020 at

Would you like to suggest expert reviewers (including yourself) for the AQUAEXCEL2020 TNA programme? Please complete this form and return it with nominee CV to John Bostock:

Copernicus Marine Service Training Workshop for the baltic sea region


At the workshop, you will learn about the use of the Copernicus Marine Service products and services and their possible applications, by gaining knowledge during plenary and practical training sessions.

The audience will also be able to share its experience and express needs and requirements for new products to be included in the Copernicus Marine Service portfolio in the future.

This event is dedicated to the Baltic Sea region, and takes place in Gothenburg on November 5-6, 2019.


For more information, see

EU EATiP Day presentations (Aquaculture Europe ’19)

As a response to the call for food and feed security, parallel to the needed climate, circularity, spatial planning and biodiversity actions, attention at this year’s EU EATiP day was given to low-trophic aquaculture. With its potential to create a high output while minimizing its impact, new value chains in aquaculture based on shellfish, algae or other low-trophic organisms offer a high potential for Europe.

Representatives from DG RTD and DG MARE pointed at the importance of these timely discussions, against the background of the Horizon Europe framework programme and of the revision of the Strategic Guidelines for Sustainable Development of EU Aquaculture. At the same time, EATiP launched its Position Paper and Recommendations for research and innovation in the sector. The latest results from a number of EU funded projects were combined with considerations from feed suppliers, seafood producers, market analysts and NGO’s. Together with reflections from the panel and from the audience in the room, these provide important input when planning for future collaborative efforts. A final report will be published soon.

Please find below the presentations from the session speakers.

Do you wish to contribute? Please send us a message at


EATiP Day Agenda:

Download (PDF, 233KB)


EATiP Day Presentations

SESSION 1: Setting the scene – How can European research and innovation stimulate sustainability and competitiveness of the aquaculture sector?

SESSION 2 – Low trophic production technologies and new feed resources

SESSION 3 – Efficient management systems to optimize sustainability and competitiveness.

Aquaexcel2020 newsletter issue 7: Biomonitoring of fish performance, training courses and events

AQUAEXCEL2020 is a €9.7 million European Union-funded Horizon 2020 research infrastructure project that aims to support the sustainable growth of the aquaculture sector in Europe. It does so by integrating the European aquaculture community, and providing it with crucial tools, facilities, and novel services to conduct advanced fish research.

In Aquaexcel’s newest newsletter you can – among other things, read all about biosensor-technology for monitoring overall performance of fish, and the technical courses which Aquaexcel2020’s has done, and plan to do.

Biosensor monitoring of fish performance

Dr. Jaume Pérez-Sánchez from the Institute of Aquaculture Torre de la Sal (IATS-CSIC) in Spain is one of the team behind AE-FishBIT – implanted biosensors for remote monitoring of the overall performance of fish. AE-FishBIT has had some exciting developments over the past 2 and a half years. Read on to find out more!

Aquaexcel training courses

“By 2020, AQUAEXCEL2020 will have organised nine pioneering technical training courses in total, focusing on different aspects of aquaculture experimentation”, Aquaexcel2020’s newest press release reveals.

Also, two Aquaexcel2020 training courses recently has been completed: ‘Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) Technology‘ (in Wagening University, Netherlands) and ‘Laboratory Animal Science for Aquatic Research Facilities‘ (in Institute of Marine Research, Bergen).

Read about this and more in the full Aquaexcel Newsletter, below:

Agenda for the Aquaxcel2020 Brokerage event 2019


Make sure not to miss the second Aquaexcel2020 brokerage event. It is taking place as part of the EU EATiP Day October 9, at Aquaculture Europe 2019 in Berlin.

Find out more about the agenda, topics, panel and presenters below: 


EATiP interaction with the European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission (EIFAAC)


EATiP was invited to the 30th EIFAAC session as observer and was represented by Mr. Laszlo Varadi (HUNATiP) who introduced the function and relevant activities of EATiP to the delegates.

A mission to promote improvement of inland fisheries and aquaculture

EIFAAC is part of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), and has a mission to promote long-term sustainable development, utilization, conservation, restoration and responsible management of European inland fisheries and aquaculture.

The organization has 34 members, both EU and non-EU European countries, including the European Commission.

Main goals

One of EIFAAC’s main goals from 2020 till 2021 is to be a leading Pan-European Organisation providing policy advice in inland fisheries and aquaculture, consistent with the objectives and principles of the FAO and other relevant international instruments.

Their second goal is to deliver technical and managerial advice, information and coordination on matters related to inland fisheries and aquaculture to its members and serves as an international network of organisation, stakeholders, communities and intergovernmental organisations.

EIFAAC’s third goal is to implements efficient delivery of its organisations and Members’ objectives in accordance with FAO principles and best international practices, via EFAAC’s structures, processes and procedures.

Aims to strengthen collaboration with EIFAAC

EATiP encourages the initiative from EIFAAC to improve mutual interactions on the definition of specific topics of common concern and potential collaboration on a regional level.

The Mirror Platform HUNATiP will proceed with strengthening this collaboration.


Focus of EU EATiP Day at AE19: Promoting food security and new value chains in aquaculture

This year’s Aquaculture Europe 19′ event will be held in Berlin, Germany, 7-10 October 2019.  ‘Our Future: Growing from Water’ is the theme of the annual event, which will be held in Berlin, Germany this year 7-10 October 2019.

For more information about the AE2019 event, please visit this link.

On the EU EATiP Day, the focus will be on aquaculture with a low impact and high output – a sector that can promote food security and develop new value chains. The session on October 9 will gather existing expertise in this field and discuss the critical knowledge gaps that remain to be filled.

Speakers from DG RTD will set the need for aquaculture research and innovation in a Horizon Europe perspective, whereas DG MARE will introduce the process for reviewing the current aquaculture strategic guidelines.

Growing need for aquatic products – EU funded projects will pitch results

The potential of low-trophic species as human food and aquaculture feed will be reflected upon by feed companies, aquaculture producers, service suppliers and market analysts.

EU funded projects AQUAVITAE, AQUAOLIVE, MACRO CASCADE, SEAFOODtomorrow, GAIN and VIVALDI will pitch their latest results and how they can serve a growing need for new aquatic products.

Important questions to be answered

What measures need to be taken to support a competitive aquaculture with a low carbon footprint? Which technologies are considered to be essential? How to select new appropriate species? And how far can/should we go to feed carnivorous fish with plant material? Answers to this and more will be provided by project leaders and industry representatives during two consequent panel debates.

The EC and EATiP wish to use this feedback to stimulate future collaborative actions, and hence support the ambition of European aquaculture to contribute to the global Zero Hunger vision.

Join us in Berlin for the EU EATiP Day, and visit our Booth #149!


EAStalk with EATiP General Secretary: ‘Co-creating aquaculture awareness on a European level’.

General secratary of EATiP, Alexandra Neyts will be giving a talk at EAS’ (European Aquaculture Society) upcoming webinar.

The topic of this talk is Co-creating aquaculture awareness on a European level.

Save the time and date: October 1st, 14:00 (GMT+2).

To sign up for the event, follow this link:

Practical guidelines on how to participate will be provided here: