Mediterranean and Black Sea regional marine data for aquaculture workshop
/in Copernicus, EU, European Commission /by Catherine PonsThe workshop was organized by EATiP in conjunction with Copernicus Marine, EMODnet and the European Commission (DG MARE and DG DEFIS), as a follow-up of the successful event addressing environmental monitoring for aquaculture in the North Atlantic (see the report on MARINE DATA TO SUPPORT AQUACULTURE IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC). About 80 aquaculture company stakeholders, experienced data users and providers, researchers and coastal managers from across the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions gathered to explore opportunities for open source marine environmental data to support and innovate the aquaculture sector.
Both the Marine Food sector related Copernicus Marine Service and the EMODnet portfolios provide valuable marine data, services and tools that might be combined with coastal models, data networks and measurements by aquaculture farms in order to contribute to a better management and operation plans.
The objectives of the workshop and a summary of the marine data from the aquaculture industry in a set of different countries in the region are attached. Information in the latter was assembled by EATiP, its regional Mirror Platforms and by key national stakeholders, based on information from national and regional authorities that are responsible for aquaculture management and spatial planning. Both documents supported the attendants of the Mediterranean and Black Seas meeting in understanding the current of play and the expectations towards a future collaborative network for better use of current data.
Thank you to all who joined the workshop!
The report is now available here.
Marine data to support aquaculture in the Mediterranean and Black Seas
/in Copernicus, EU, European Commission /by Catherine PonsCo-organised by EATiP, EMODnet, Copernicus Marine (CMEMS) and DG MARE/DG DEFIS
When? March 24-25 (tentative) (3 hour meeting each day 10:00-13:00 CET)
Where? Online: Invitation-only
Who will attend? Aquaculture industry and authorities (focus Mediterranean/Black Sea), EMODnet and CMEMS representatives, European Commission policy, some invited projects e.g. Blue-Cloud, EuroSea, FORCOAST, other…
What is the workshop about? The main goal of the workshop is to find ways to make better use of existing, free marine data and services offered by Copernicus Marine Service and EMODnet, in combination with farm data and data from coastal authorities. To achieve a common understanding and provide ideas for best practice, the workshop brings together industry practitioners in the Aquaculture sector, marine environmental data producers, coastal authorities and key open source marine data managers (EMODnet and CMEMS). The meeting is designed for maximum interaction between participants, with (online) breakout discussions led by a professional facilitator.
The October event on the North-Atlantic gathered more than 60 expert and end users of data (37% aquaculture industry, 37% policy/coastal managers, 24% researchers/modelers). Its final report is available at MARINE DATA TO SUPPORT AQUACULTURE IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC. The EC has requested a similar report for the Mediterranean / Black Sea.
We now need to identify potential participants whom we can invite to the event, and to clarify the type of data that is already monitored by aquaculture stakeholders and governing authorities. Are you interested to join or to contribute? Please let us know by the end of January. A formal invitation will then be sent out.
/in _, Copernicus /by Catherine PonsA workshop by EATiP, Copernicus Marine and EMODnet
October 20th –21st, 2020
Virtual event (on invitation only)
The workshop will explore opportunities and applications for open source marine environmental data to support and innovate the aquaculture sector in the region. The goal is to investigate the feasibility and potential of setting up a collaborative platform with key stakeholders, to develop data products, tools and methodological approaches that can support the implementation of ecosystem based management of aquaculture, based on existing data.
Data centre representatives, Copernicus/EMODnet users, aquaculture producer, technology and service suppliers, coastal authorities, and modelers at regional level will gather at this 2-day regional-focused workshop. A parallel event in the Mediterranean area is planned to be held in 2021.
Copernicus Marine Service supports marine related H2020 projects
/in Copernicus, EU /by Catherine PonsH2020 projects can benefit from the use of free of charge marine data and information from the Copernicus Marine Service.
The Copernicus Marine Service provides free of charge marine data and information for all marine applications about:
- the Blue ocean: temperature, salinity, currents, and waves
- the Green ocean: nutrients, living species, sea water quality and transparency
- the White ocean: sea ice conditions
On May 5 2020, Copernicus Marine Service launches the #CMEMSforH2020 campaign with the objective to foster the use of Copernicus Marine Data among project holders in the Horizon 2020 EU programme. This campaign is also here to help you understand the usefulness of Copernicus Marine data for your scientific discipline, business sector and research institute.
- To learn more about the links between your project and Copernicus Marine, click here:
- To access free of charge Copernicus Marine products:
- To participate to #CMEMSforH2020 campaign and highlight how your marine project is using Copernicus Marine data, submit your user story here:
For any questions, do not hesitate to contact
Aquaculture workshop postponed to October 20-21 2020!
/in _, Copernicus, EU, European Commission, Events, MIPs, Workshop /by Catherine PonsMarine data to support aquaculture in the North Atlantic
/in Copernicus, EU, European Commission, Events, MIPs, Workshop /by Catherine PonsIn collaboration with Copernicus Marine, EMODnet and the European Commission, EATiP organizes the expert workshop on “Marine data to support aquaculture in the North Atlantic”, on May 5-6 in Trondheim, Norway. This event, on invitation only, will explore opportunities and applications for open source marine environmental data to support and innovate the aquaculture sector in the North Atlantic region. The ultimate goal is to set up a collaborative platform with key stakeholders to develop a methodology for ecosystem based management of aquaculture based on existing data. The participants will be experienced Copernicus / EMODnet users, data providers, coastal managers and aquaculture data end users. If you would like to apply to join the workshop, please contact
For more information, and access to the use case book dedicated to Marine Food, please look at
Report from the CMEMSQ4AQUA event
/in _, Copernicus /by Catherine PonsRecently, EATiP and Mercator Ocean International as implementer of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS or Copernicus Marine) organized a joint event in Athens on September 24-25 2019.
The objective of this event was to explore the application possibilities of the available open-access satellite, model-based and in situ marine data for the aquaculture sector. This was done through the sharing of experiences and challenges representatives from the aquaculture sector are facing when managing aquaculture farms, followed by a demonstration of how the Copernicus Marine service might contribute to tackle these and possible future challenges.
The final report from the event is now available. You can read or download it here:
Also – don’t forget to save the date for the next workshops (deadline to register is 3/12):
Copernicus Marine Service Training Workshop for the baltic sea region
/0 Comments/in _, Copernicus /by Catherine Pons
At the workshop, you will learn about the use of the Copernicus Marine Service products and services and their possible applications, by gaining knowledge during plenary and practical training sessions.
The audience will also be able to share its experience and express needs and requirements for new products to be included in the Copernicus Marine Service portfolio in the future.
This event is dedicated to the Baltic Sea region, and takes place in Gothenburg on November 5-6, 2019.
For more information, see
Copernicus Opportunities For aquaculture
/0 Comments/in Copernicus /by Catherine PonsEATiP and the Copernicus Marine Service organized a joint event in Athens to explore the application possibilities of the available open-access satellite and in-situ marine data for the aquaculture sector. About 70 participants from all over Europe joined the workshop and training event to learn more about the sector’s need for data when operating at sea and about how Copernicus Marine Service might contribute to this. Representatives from the European Commission supported the initiative which aligns well with the ongoing processes on the review of the Strategic Guidelines for the Development of Sustainable Aquaculture and the work on defining a new mission for healthy oceans and seas.
The presentation of the services and models, and of existing examples provided by the Copernicus team members and experienced users provided the attendants with a better understanding of the opportunities the Service can provide.

Attendants of the workshop learned more about the sector’s need for data when operating at sea, and was given a better understanding of the opportunities the Copernicus Marine Service can provide.
All presentations from the event are now available here. Also, a report with the workshop conclusions will soon be published.
Are you interested to contribute in the follow-up of this initiative? Get in touch with
Want to know more about the variables that is offered by Copernicus Marine Service, and what the benefits of these are? Check out the video below: