

Online Webinar – Wednesday June 26th @ 11:00 – 12:30 CEST

The European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform EATiP seeks to promote and support research and innovation for the benefit and development of a sustainable European aquaculture sector. It consolidates the aquaculture community and facilitates collaborative initiatives across Europe, e.g. through the recently established Smart Circular Aquaculture Partnershipseeking to promote inter-regional innovation transfer.

A series of digital seminars arranged for the EATiPs Mirror Platforms will introduce aquaculture clusters to their peers and member enterprises with the aim to provide insight into cluster competences and capacities, and to stimulate bilateral or interregional cooperation. 

NCE Aquatech Cluster will host the first seminar

Register now and view agenda




Our EATiP booth #39 was a great success with lots of visits from many colleagues from all over.


Information was given about our project work including:

    • Providing technical input to The EC Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism
    • The AQUAEXCEL 3.0 project – opening up transnational access to EU research networks
    • OLAMUR – considering marine multi use (aquaculture and wind energy) as part of the EU Mission Ocean Baltic and North Sea Lighthouse

The  EATiP / EC / EAS INNOVATION FORUM was extremely well attended on Wednesday 20 September (Programme), as well as the AQUAEXEL3.0 networking drink following the event.


More on the AQUAEXCEL3.0 presentations 

Experimental assessment of the fish meal content requirements for Meagre feeds, by Ramon Fontillas | Skretting ARC (Netherlands).

The effect of krill meal inclusion on the growth of juvenile gilthead seabream, by Kiranpreet Kaur | Aker BioMarine Antarctic AS (Norway).

Metal amino acid complexes as a cost-effective strategy to help reducing fish meal in European seabass diets, by Claudia Silva | Zinpro (Portugal).










AQUAEXCEL3.0’s 1st training course: “Welfare Indicators”

We are pleased to announce that AQUAEXCEL3.0 is hosting its 1st online training course: “Welfare indicators” on October 4th, 2023, and registration is now officially OPEN!

Led by NOFIMA, this 1st training course will focus on welfare indicators for different fish species used in aquaculture research. Participants will learn about the latest technologies around developing welfare indicators, their advantages and disadvantages and carry out practical exercises around real-life cases for welfare monitoring. Environmental enrichment and exercise training will be examined in relation to how they can be beneficial in terms of promoting resilience and robustness in fish.

This training will be provided live online on 4 October, from 9:00-14:15 CEST. For more information on specific topics that will be discussed, and how to register for this course, please visit The live course will be recorded as the basis for the non-live online course that will be available on an on-going basis after the live course and further details will follow later.

If you have further questions, feel free to contact info@aquaexcel.

AQUAEXCEL3.0 Call for TransNational Access

Apply for fully EC-funded access to top class aquaculture research infrastructures with AQUAEXCEL3.0

The AQUAEXCEL3.0 project unites major aquaculture experimental facilities with capacity to undertake experimental trials on a selection of commercially important aquaculture species and system types. These facilities are made available to the research community for Transnational Access (TNA) with the support of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (Infrastructures).

Transnational Access involves a research group in one country collaborating with one or more AQUAEXCEL3.0 Infrastructures that are located in a different country to the applicant, and which offer facilities and expertise not available in their own country. The collaboration normally takes the form of one or more scientists from the applicant organisation visiting the selected AQUAEXCEL3.0 installation to undertake research work there for up to 3 months. In some cases, remote access is also available (where the applicant is not present for some or all of the experimental period at the installation).

The facilities available cover the entire range of aquaculture production systems (recirculation, flowthrough, cage, hatchery and pond systems); environments (freshwater and marine, cold, temperate and warm water); scales (small, medium and industrial scale); culture species (fish, shellfish, seaweeds and insects); and fields of expertise (nutrition, physiology, health and welfare, genetics, engineering, monitoring and management technologies).

The overall objective of the project is to promote the coordinated use and development of these experimental facilities and encourage problem-based research and knowledge transfer to more effectively support the development of a sustainable European production of high-quality seafood with reduced environmental impact. The establishment of new transnational collaborations is strongly encouraged, as well as the participation by SMEs.

Applications for Transnational Access can be made at any time (continuously open call).

More details and to apply: see attached flyer, and

More information on each facility can be found here: and – including pictures and videos of the facilities. Interested people with a project idea who need a little help finding the right facility can contact our orientation committee at

We also have a number of “success stories” from previous TNA users – and (check out the Video and Innovative Outputs sections) which can be used as inspiration.

FEAP Award for Excellence in European Aquaculture 2023

We are delighted to announce that our President – Gustavo Larrazábal, CEO of Aquanaria has been awarded the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers 2023 award for excellence in European Aquaculture during the FEAP General Assembly, this year hosted by the Federation of Maltese Aquaculture Producers in St Julians, Malta.

Noting during the speech in which the FEAP President, Lara Barazi-Geroulanou, presented the award was recognition of the very significant contribution Gustavo has made in the support and promotion of research and innovation in European aquaculture, primarily in the encouragement and support of EATiP and through his long service as our President.

The EATiP Board and membership extend our congratulations at this well deserved award, in recognition of the support and long service that Gustavo has given to so many and, in the case of EATiP, on a voluntary basis.

The EATiP President Gustavo Larrazábal with the FEAP Award for Excellence in European Aquaculture 2023

Presented with the award by the FEAP President, Lara Barazi-Geroulanou, during the 2023 General Assembly of the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers in St Julian’s, Malta.



OLAMUR – a new EU funded project addressing aquaculture and renewable energy.

EATiP are delighted to be participating in a new EU Mission Ocean Lighthouse project, considering the integration of aquaculture production with renewable wind energy in marine multi use sites.

The OLAMUR project, running from January 2023 to December 2026 will engage 25 partners across European industry and research organisations who will work together to farm kelp and mussels at three pilot sites in Europe: two existing offshore wind farms and one fish farm that produces rainbow trout.

The Institute of Marine Research (IMR) in Norway is leading the project, whilst EATiP will take responsibility for leading on communication and dissemination activities.