
EATiP Communication Survey

Effective communication is vital in order to successfully engage in knowledge transfer, especially with regard to innovative technology and research outputs.

For that reason, EATiP are inviting any interested parties to take part in our annual communication survey.  Although primarily aimed at EATiP members and stakeholders, there is much merit in broadening our survey to those interested in the field of promoting technology, innovation and research in the aquaculture community.  Results of the survey will be considered by the EATiP secretariat and any conclusions and necessary actions agreed by our Board and General Assembly later in the spring.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey and providing your feedback to us.  Your views are important to us and will help ensure that we continue to be effective in our role as an interface in aquaculture research and innovation.

Aquanaria fish farm in EURONEWS

With a growing population, stagnating global fish captures and changing consumer habits reaching out for more sustainable food resources, aquaculture is increasingly considered as a solution to meet the world’s growing food needs.  EURONEWS has visited the EATiP member fish farm Aquanaria to have a look at how advancements in fish farming technology are creating new opportunities to produce more sustainably and efficiently.