Summing up 2020 and looking forward to 2021

Towards the end of this unusual year, where the economy has been hit hard and established certainties have been challenged, EATiP is preparing for a period of high activity. Continued joint efforts are needed to consolidate the role of aquaculture in society, as part of the Green Deal and in Horizon Europe. Through the support and commitment of EATiP members, it has been possible for us to continue and further develop the necessary activities.

So what have we achieved this past year? Check out the attached end of year report, and please remember to follow us on Twitter (@eatip_eu) for information on all upcoming actions and events!

We wish our members, partners and contacts a wonderful Christmas period, with hopes for a brighter 2021!

New Year New Roles

We are delighted to announce that further to a reorganisation of our resources during the autumn, David Bassett has joined the EATiP team in the capacity as Senior Adviser.

Familiar to many EATiP members through our General Assembly meetings, since 2017 David has been working with EATiP as the project manager for the EU Horizon 2020 funded EURASTiP international support action ( working on the development of multi stakeholder platforms for the aquaculture sector in south east Asia and their scope for increased interaction with European stakeholders.  With this project now entering the final stages of reporting, it is an excellent opportunity for David to take on leading other initiatives on behalf of EATiP, including strategy and policy work.

David has worked in the aquaculture sector since 2005, spending a decade as the Chief Executive of a UK aquaculture producers association.  It is through this role that he first became active in European aquaculture, working closely with FEAP (  where he followed a number of EU FP6 & FP7 projects as an industry representative in addition to participating in meetings of the European Commission ACFA Working Group 2.

David Bassett: looking forward to driving the aquaculture innovation agenda forward with EATiP.

Through this collaboration with FEAP, David was also engaged in the early stages of the planning and development of both EATiP and the Aquainnova project.

For 9 years David acted as a director of the Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum (which has now been replaced by Scottish Aquaculture & Innovation Centre ( , an EATiP Mirror Platform) and also acted as the Company Secretary of an industry owned and managed quality certification scheme.  He worked on the steering committee of the WWF Aquaculture Dialogues (Rainbow Trout), sat on the Technical Advisory Group of the ASC during the transition stage of the dialogues to Standards and has served as an industry representative on the management committee of the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling (UK).

David is currently based in Edinburgh (UK) but has travelled extensively on project work addressing  both European and south east Asian aquaculture production.  He has a personal interest in history and international relations having studied in those fields and looks forward to a time when, in addition to working online, we are able to travel, network and learn in person again!

Marine data to support aquaculture in the Mediterranean and Black Seas

Co-organised by EATiP, EMODnet, Copernicus Marine (CMEMS) and DG MARE/DG DEFIS

When? March 24-25 (tentative) (3 hour meeting each day 10:00-13:00 CET)

Where? Online: Invitation-only

Who will attend? Aquaculture industry and authorities (focus Mediterranean/Black Sea), EMODnet and CMEMS representatives, European Commission policy, some invited projects e.g. Blue-Cloud, EuroSea, FORCOAST, other…

What is the workshop about? The main goal of the workshop is to find ways to make better use of existing, free marine data and services offered by Copernicus Marine Service and EMODnet, in combination with farm data and data from coastal authorities. To achieve a common understanding and provide ideas for best practice, the workshop brings together industry practitioners in the Aquaculture sector, marine environmental data producers, coastal authorities and key open source marine data managers (EMODnet and CMEMS). The meeting is designed for maximum interaction between participants, with (online) breakout discussions led by a professional facilitator.

The October event on the North-Atlantic gathered more than 60 expert and end users of data (37% aquaculture industry, 37% policy/coastal managers, 24% researchers/modelers). Its final report is available at MARINE DATA TO SUPPORT AQUACULTURE IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC. The EC has requested a similar report for the Mediterranean / Black Sea.

We now need to identify potential participants whom we can invite to the event, and to clarify the type of data that is already monitored by aquaculture stakeholders and governing authorities. Are you interested to join or to contribute?  Please let us know by the end of January. A formal invitation will then be sent out.



DG MARE is setting up an expert working group to understand the potential and knowledge gaps of macro-algae culture in providing ecosystem services. This done through the Eklipse platform, that is helping governments, institutions, businesses and NGOs to make better-informed decisions when it comes to biodiversity in Europe.

For more information, see Calls – EKLIPSE,  CfE-_9_2020_macro-algae-1.pdf ( and attached

Form to express interest: Eklipse CALL FOR EXPERTS on Macro-algae culture and ecosystem services (


Dear Aquaculture stakeholders,

BIOGEARS project kindly asks for your input and views for the potential implementation of biobased ropes in the European aquaculture sector.

BIOGEARS is an EASME EMFF funded project, under the Call Topic: EMFF-01-2018 Blue Labs: innovative solutions for maritime challenges. BIOGEARS aims to provide the European aquaculture sector with biobased, biodegradable ropes that are durable, marketable and fit-for-purpose, and hence have a highly reduced carbon footprint along the whole value chain.

As a stakeholder, you are invited to contribute to the consultation and by doing so you are having your say on the implementation and opportunities for eco-friendly alternatives to conventional (non-biodegradable) aquaculture gears to be used in the aquaculture sector. This consultation should take no more than 10 minutes.

To answer the consultation in English, click here

To answer the consultation in Spanish, click here

For more information on the project, please visit:, find us on Twitter or LinkedIn and subscribe to news

Or contact BIOGEARS: Project Coordinator Leire Arantzamendi ( or Communication Contact Jane Maher (

Please note all data provided in the consultation will be handled in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU 2016/679). The results of the consultation will be presented anonymously.

Thanks in advance for your contribution to the BIOGEARS project!