
LAST CHANCE to apply for access to top-class aquaculture research infrastructures with AQUAEXCEL3.0

Dear colleagues,

We hope you have a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year!

As you know by now, a major feature of the EU-funded AQUAEXCEL3.0 project is its Transnational Access (TNA) program, allowing external researchers to access the partners’ facilities. Research proposal submissions to the program are funded based on their successful evaluation by an independent selection panel.

AQUAEXCEL3.0 is due to finish in 2025, meaning that the Transnational Access program will cease accepting applications on January 31st, 2025.

This is your last chance to gain access to the 40+ unique research infrastructures of the participating institutes, with experimental costs, travel and subsistence covered by AQUAEXCEL3.0. As of May 2024, access is also granted to EMBRC facilities.

The TNA program considers a research group in one country collaborating with one or more AQUAEXCEL3.0 Infrastructures located in a different country to the applicant. The program thus offers access to facilities and expertise not available in the applicant’s own country. Typically, collaborations involve one or more scientists from the applicant organisation visiting the selected AQUAEXCEL3.0 installation(s) to undertake research work there for up to 3 months. In some cases, remote access is also available.

The facilities cover the entire range of:

Aquaculture production systems:

  • Recirculation
  • Flowthrough
  • Cage
  • Hatchery and pond systems


  • Freshwater and marine
  • Cold water
  • Temperate and warm water


  • Small
  • Medium
  • Industrial

Culture species:

  • Fish
  • Shellfish
  • Seaweeds
  • Insects

Fields of expertise:

  • Nutrition
  • Physiology
  • Health and welfare
  • Genetics
  • Engineering
  • Monitoring and management technologies

Please note that some of the facilities have reached capacity and may not be able to accommodate additional visits.

Applications for Transnational Access can be made at any time until the 31st of January, 2025.

For more details and to apply, download the flyer below or click here

More information on each facility can be found here or via our interactive map which includes pictures and videos of the facilities. For assistance finding the right facility for your project, contact our orientation committee at Find out more about AQUAEXCEL3.0 x EMBRC here.

To learn more about the stories from previous TNA user’s experiences, please refer to the videos and innovative outputs available on Videos – AquaExcel3.0.


Online Webinar – Wednesday June 26th @ 11:00 – 12:30 CEST

The European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform EATiP seeks to promote and support research and innovation for the benefit and development of a sustainable European aquaculture sector. It consolidates the aquaculture community and facilitates collaborative initiatives across Europe, e.g. through the recently established Smart Circular Aquaculture Partnershipseeking to promote inter-regional innovation transfer.

A series of digital seminars arranged for the EATiPs Mirror Platforms will introduce aquaculture clusters to their peers and member enterprises with the aim to provide insight into cluster competences and capacities, and to stimulate bilateral or interregional cooperation. 

NCE Aquatech Cluster will host the first seminar

Register now and view agenda



AQUAEXCEL 3.0 – First E-Newsletter

The AQUAEXCEL3.0 project has just published its first e-newsletter containing news and highlights from the first 12 months of the project. The e-newsletter also contains information on the Transnational Access Program which is now open for applications and will remain open for the duration of the project!





The European Farm to Fork strategy aims to reach higher levels of food self-sufficiency through sustainable food production systems. Many different human activities at sea cause pressures and high competition for space in the marine space. The expansion and intensification of economic activities in coastal areas are important drivers to look for opportunities to produce seafood in exposed coastal and ocean areas. This expansion demands new technologies and knowledge to enable safe and profitable operations.

The EATiP Forum, co-hosted by its Mirror Platform NCE Aquatech, linked offshore aquaculture to Europe’s ambitions for Blue Growth, and addressed new trends, systems and technologies that contribute to expanding the suitable space for aquaculture production.


Opening talks


Mentimeter results

Open discussion

Webinar conclusions


AQUAEXCEL 3.0 – EATiP role : disseminating Knowledge Outputs

The second IRAP (Industry & Research Advisory Panel) meeting was successfully held on the 29th June 2021 where industry relevant projects’ outputs were further discussed by our experts.

AQUAEXCEL3.0 is a research infrastructure project funded under the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020, grant agreement number 871108. AQUAEXCEL3.0 aims to further boost the European aquaculture sector by, among other methods, expanding the Transnational Access programme to support even more external research teams collaborating with its high-quality facilities, providing free training courses on the latest topics and engaging closely with industry to ensure that research is aligned with industry needs.

Similar to the previous AQUAEXCEL (FP7, 2011-2015) and AQUAEXCEL2020 (H2020, 2015-2020) projects, one of the key aspects of AQUAEXCEL3.0 is to provide subsidised access to its top-class aquaculture facilities as well as numerous highly pertinent services for researchers from academia and industry. AQUAEXCEL3.0 will also provide training for transnational access users, aquaculture researchers, technical staff and industry stakeholders.

EATiP is managing the AQUAEXCEL3.0 Industry & Research Advisory Panel (IRAP), an interactive advisory body that contributes both to upstream guidance (e.g. industry need recommendations) as well as to downstream impact/dissemination as it aims at maximizing the possibilities for new knowledge to be translated into innovation, and so substantially increases the possibilities for success.

The AQUAEXCEL3.0 IRAP acts as a pro-active interface for the project involving the research community and the aquaculture industry. This strengthens industry-research relations and develops research that meets industry needs for innovation.

The first Knowledge Outputs will be disseminated on the 29 September 2021. Save the date!

Read more about the project here.

Last but successful meeting of the AQUAEXCEL2020 IRAP

The AQUAEXCEL2020 Industry & Research Advisory Panel and workpackage leaders met on the 29th April – online – to select high potential industry-relevant outputs for transfer to the aquaculture industry.

EATiP thanks all the experts for their input in this last but very successful meeting of the Advisory Panel.

The selected project outputs will be presented at the next AQUAEXCEL2020 brokerage event to be held at Aquaculture Europe in Cork later in the year.

Last but not least the EATiP is pleased to announce its partnership in the follow up project AQUAEXCEL 3.0. where our EATiP experts and Mirror Platforms will play a essential role.

Read more here.


AQUIMER – launching of the French EATiP Mirror Platform

Since 2005 the AQUIMER cluster brings together large and small businesses, research laboratories and training institutions in the field of seafood resources to support innovation in France. As an EATiP Mirror Platform, AQUIMER is bringing its research priorities, development needs and ideas for innovation to a European level.
The workshop on June 26 in Paris gathered an active group of aquaculture stakeholders to discuss the EATiP position paper and its recommendations towards Horizon Europe.

The video sums up the aim of the event and the ideas to be further elaborated:

Follow us on the pathway towards a new research and innovation programme for aquaculture in Europe!



EATiP AGM 2019 – sum up


Positioning Aquaculture Innovation and Research for Industry Development

EATiP members and collaborators gathered in Brussels on June 17 and 18 to discuss the positioning of aquaculture innovation and research for the development of the sector.  After the President, Gustavo Larrazábal, opened the event, an update of platform actions and achievements was given by Alexandra Neyts.  The European Commission (DG RTD and DG MARE), the European Committee of the Regions, and the expert group on Blue Skills presented the upcoming strategies, including Horizon Europe, the Blue Economy and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and measures towards an integrated aquaculture policy and innovation.  Priorities developed by co-technology platforms FABRE and Waterborne and by the SCAR-FISH working group were outlined.  Through consultative group discussions, results from the EATiP Mirror Platform exercise on R&I recommendations were debated and refined.  Day two of the General Meeting started with an elaboration of the Copernicus aquaculture joint event (24-25 September in Athens), followed by presentations of project activities, incl. EURASTIPAQUAEXCEL2020AORAPARAFISHCONTROL and AQUA-LIT.  After a discussion on public awareness, previously identified as one of the major challenges of aquaculture in Europe, the floor was opened to all members to provide suggestions for collaborative actions needed to stimulate industry-relevant aquaculture research and innovation in the years to come.

All presentations have been made available to the EATiP members through our joint communication platform.

The summary of the meeting can be downloaded here:

EATiP wants to thank all contributors and participants for motivating us to further engage and collaborate on behalf of the aquaculture multi-stakeholder community!

You can join the EATiP activities by:

–          Becoming a member: see conditions

–          Registering for the Brokerage event in Vietnam and Thailand, supported by the EURASTiP project

–          Signing up for the Copernicus aquaculture workshop (September, Athens)

–          Expressing your interest to present your project at the EU-EATiP Day at Aquaculture Europe ’19, focusing on the low-trophic aquaculture value chain

–          Participating in the aquaculture public outreach survey (through the AORA project)

–          Involving EATiP as a partner in your project proposals

If you have inquiries to any of the above, please contact or the General Secretary

EATiP at Aquaculture Europe 2019 in Berlin

Save the date – 9th October 2019 – to attend our EU-EATiP Day !

Visit our Booth #149 to know more about EATiP and its Mirror Platforms

Learn more about EURASTiP and AQUAEXCEL2020




Prof M. Mazzucato Report on Missions

The report by Professor Mariana Mazzucato  ‘Mission-Oriented Research and Innovation in the European Union – A problem solving approach to fuel innovation-led growth’  written at the request of European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas, is now published.
A call for feedback from stakeholders as well as the public is available via this dedicated EU Survey from 22 February 2018 until 3 April 2018.

This report provides strategic recommendations on Missions, and how they can be structured in the future European Union Research and Innovation Programme (FP9).

The attached report is also available online at the following address: