Report now available.

The development of best practices is an important part of the recently launched strategic guidelines for a more sustainable and competitive EU aquaculture. The European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EATiP) and the Ocean Best Practices System (OBPS) of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)  jointly organized this workshop to stimulate sharing of knowledge and to promote best practice development across aquaculture systems and regions in Europe. The aim to consolidate data sharing and best practices relates to a broad range of aquaculture areas such as spatial planning, animal health and welfare, traceability, environmental performance.
The workshop provided the participants with a better understanding of how to develop and maintain best practices within the existing boundaries for sharing of data. It also showed examples of how good practices at a local, regional or EU level can contribute to better aquaculture planning and control. It also looked into opportunities for guidance and collaborative actions on how to support best practices in aquaculture.

5 APRIL 2022  – 13:00 – 16:30 (CEST – UTC+2)


  • Welcome by EATIP. David Bassett | EATiP
  • Welcome by OBPS. Jay Pearlman | OBPS
  • Policy and regulations. Lana Bezinovic Sostar | European Commission, DG MARE
  • About Best Practices and OBPS. Johannes Karstensen | GEOMAR, IODE OBPS Steering Group
  • Aquaculture operations across standards, certification schemes and best practices. Panel dialogue.
    • Javier Ojeda | FEAP
    • Bruno Guillaumie | EMPA
    • Otto Gregussen | Standards Norway
  • Best Practices in Aquaculture – use cases across Production System and Regional approaches.
    • OPS Seafood – Norway. Edvard Pedersen | The Brønnøysund Register Centre
    • PerformFish benchmarking system – Mediterranean. Giovanna Marino | ISPRA
    • General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. Houssam Hamza & Linda Fourdain | FAO-NFIGD
    • AquaPEF – implementing PEF in aquaculture. Saioa Ramos | AZTI


  • Framing the issues on sharing of best practices in aquaculture
  • Breakouts for discussion & Report out
  • Recommendations
  • Adjourn

Aquaculture gets Smart!

We are delighted to be working with European Commission DG MARE to co host a brokerage event in Brussels, Belgium, on the topic of  Smart Specialisation for a Sustainable Blue Economy

The event will take place on the morning 0f 21 June 2022, with participation free and open to all.  Further details follow below.

DG MARE has identified smart specialisation strategies (S3) as a key tool to implement the Communication on Sustainable Blue Economy adopted in May 2021.

Accordingly, in coordination with DG REGIO, DG MARE is setting up a smart specialization platform for sustainable blue economy and is organising a series of brokerage events to promote smart specialisation interregional partnerships and blue economy value chains.  EATiP have been pro-actively working with DG MARE since the summer of 2021 to ensure that aquaculture is successfully included in this work.

These events will support matchmaking activities in order to:

  • facilitate aquaculture and wider blue economy stakeholders’ networking and exchange
  • promote the definition of stakeholders’ complementarities and synergies in terms of interregional value chains/partnerships
  • support exchange of potential partnership ideas and expression of interest
  • share best practices and lessons learned on S3 interregional partnerships set up and implementation

Background to the Overall framework

In May 2021 the Communication on Sustainable Blue Economy (SBE) was adopted as integral part of the European Green Deal.

DG MARE has identified Smart specialisation strategies (S3) as a key tool to implement the Communication. In fact S3 represent a key opportunity, not only to prioritise regional research and innovation investments in blue economy sectors, but also to promote interregional partnerships and blue economy value chains across borders.

Accordingly, DG MARE in cooperation with DG REGIO, is setting up the S3 thematic platform for sustainable blue economy to support interregional partnerships and value chains thus facilitating the cooperation among blue economy 4 helix stakeholders.

Main objective

S3 is a useful tool to support transition towards a sustainable blue economy by creating the necessary innovation ecosystems in Member States and Regions while promoting investments that boost the competitiveness of blue economy sectors.

DG MARE, in cooperation with EATiP is organising this dedicated brokerage session to promote the potentialities of S3 aquaculture interregional partnerships, in particular in the framework of the I3 instrument and the currently open calls.

Target participants

As a multi-stakeholder platform for promotion innovation and research in aquaculture, EATiP is ideally placed to reach out to the target audience for this event.  The brokerage session seeks  participation from all actors that are part of the smart specialisation quadruple helix stakeholders’ matrix:  regional and national authorities, SMEs/start-ups/industry, clusters/business hubs, universities and research institutes, innovation and technological transfer entities and experts on technological transfer/ internationalisation and scale-up.


Reports on EATiP / Copernicus events

Three reports have been published following the EATIP / Copernicus events organised in 2019/2020/2021


AQUAEXCEL3.0 TNA calls now open

The AQUAEXCEL3.0 Transnational Access (TNA) calls are now open.

Are you an Aquaculture Researcher?
Do you want to gain open, inclusive, streamlined and free access to the best Aquaculture Research Infrastructures in Europe?
The AQUAEXCEL3.0 project invites proposals from European researchers for scientific research that utilises the installations of selected participating Aquaculture Research Infrastructures. These installations are made available to the research community for Transnational Access (TNA) with the support of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme.

You can apply now through the project website.

Read more.

Inaugural ‘On The Horizon’ online webinar


This event was the first in a series aiming to disseminate specific aquaculture project outputs from the EU Horizon Framework programmes and demonstrating support for key objectives including the Strategic Guidelines for competitive and sustainable aquaculture in the EU, the Blue Economy, the European Green Deal and Farm 2 Fork Strategies.

The forum was organised online on the 29th of September 2021 with the support of the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers.


Watch recording

If you are interested in taking part in a future “On the Horizon” project dissemination event then please contact the EATiP secretariat giving your name, organisation and a link to your project*.

Please find below all the presentations in pdf or watch the recordings.

29 September 2021

Agenda (10:00 – 12:00)

Welcome by the EATIP General Secretary, Mr. David Bassett

Introduction by the FEAP President, Mrs. Lara Barazi


Virtual Aquaculture Laboratory for optimizing experiments with fish and water treatment setups.
Finn Olav Bjørnson
| SINTEF Ocean


Dietary effects on growth, survival and behavioural responses in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) larvae.
Ibon García Gallego | ULPGC


Potential of novel and circular based economy raw materials as main ingredients in salmon diets.
Katerina Kousoulaki | NOFIMA


Improving resource efficiency and disease resistance of farmed fish by selective breeding.
Antti Kause
| Luke – Natural Resources Institute Finland


Genetic breeding approach to increase efficiency, reduction, and sustainability.
Julianna Kobolak
| Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE)


Parasite management using data.
Björgólfur Hávarðsson | The Seafood Innovation Cluster Norway


Mentimeter results

Webinar conclusions


*As we develop the service, priority will be given to EATiP members and organisations linked to our Mirror Platforms (MIPs) and associates but we welcome expressions of interest from all within the aquaculture value chain.

AQUAEXCEL 3.0 – EATiP role : disseminating Knowledge Outputs

The second IRAP (Industry & Research Advisory Panel) meeting was successfully held on the 29th June 2021 where industry relevant projects’ outputs were further discussed by our experts.

AQUAEXCEL3.0 is a research infrastructure project funded under the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020, grant agreement number 871108. AQUAEXCEL3.0 aims to further boost the European aquaculture sector by, among other methods, expanding the Transnational Access programme to support even more external research teams collaborating with its high-quality facilities, providing free training courses on the latest topics and engaging closely with industry to ensure that research is aligned with industry needs.

Similar to the previous AQUAEXCEL (FP7, 2011-2015) and AQUAEXCEL2020 (H2020, 2015-2020) projects, one of the key aspects of AQUAEXCEL3.0 is to provide subsidised access to its top-class aquaculture facilities as well as numerous highly pertinent services for researchers from academia and industry. AQUAEXCEL3.0 will also provide training for transnational access users, aquaculture researchers, technical staff and industry stakeholders.

EATiP is managing the AQUAEXCEL3.0 Industry & Research Advisory Panel (IRAP), an interactive advisory body that contributes both to upstream guidance (e.g. industry need recommendations) as well as to downstream impact/dissemination as it aims at maximizing the possibilities for new knowledge to be translated into innovation, and so substantially increases the possibilities for success.

The AQUAEXCEL3.0 IRAP acts as a pro-active interface for the project involving the research community and the aquaculture industry. This strengthens industry-research relations and develops research that meets industry needs for innovation.

The first Knowledge Outputs will be disseminated on the 29 September 2021. Save the date!

Read more about the project here.

Summing up 2020 and looking forward to 2021

Towards the end of this unusual year, where the economy has been hit hard and established certainties have been challenged, EATiP is preparing for a period of high activity. Continued joint efforts are needed to consolidate the role of aquaculture in society, as part of the Green Deal and in Horizon Europe. Through the support and commitment of EATiP members, it has been possible for us to continue and further develop the necessary activities.

So what have we achieved this past year? Check out the attached end of year report, and please remember to follow us on Twitter (@eatip_eu) for information on all upcoming actions and events!

We wish our members, partners and contacts a wonderful Christmas period, with hopes for a brighter 2021!


DG MARE is setting up an expert working group to understand the potential and knowledge gaps of macro-algae culture in providing ecosystem services. This done through the Eklipse platform, that is helping governments, institutions, businesses and NGOs to make better-informed decisions when it comes to biodiversity in Europe.

For more information, see Calls – EKLIPSE,  CfE-_9_2020_macro-algae-1.pdf ( and attached

Form to express interest: Eklipse CALL FOR EXPERTS on Macro-algae culture and ecosystem services (