Entries by EATIP

Inaugural ‘On The Horizon’ online webinar

  This event was the first in a series aiming to disseminate specific aquaculture project outputs from the EU Horizon Framework programmes and demonstrating support for key objectives including the Strategic Guidelines for competitive and sustainable aquaculture in the EU, the Blue Economy, the European Green Deal and Farm 2 Fork Strategies. The forum was […]

Discover now the new video produced by the EU project NEWTECHAQUA

Europeans consume about 13 million tonnes of seafood each year. But less than 30 percent comes from the EU – the rest is imported. Expansion and diversification of Europe’s aquaculture is therefore vital for our food security. NewTechAqua pursues a comprehensive approach to increase production while reducing the pressure on the environment. The main outcomes […]

AQUAEXCEL 3.0 – EATiP role : disseminating Knowledge Outputs

The second IRAP (Industry & Research Advisory Panel) meeting was successfully held on the 29th June 2021 where industry relevant projects’ outputs were further discussed by our experts. AQUAEXCEL3.0 is a research infrastructure project funded under the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020, grant agreement number 871108. AQUAEXCEL3.0 aims to further […]

FRESHWATER AQUACULTURE: Nature-based solutions

As a recent EUMOFA study reveals the importance of the freshwater aquaculture sector is underestimated in Europe. Aquaculture in fishponds (mainly for carp production) and flow-through systems (mainly for trout farming) are the major types of freshwater aquaculture in Europe. Both types of production are currently undergoing significant changes to explore the potentials and to […]


Presentations are now online.   Enabling technologies adapted to sector-specific challenges have the potential to create high-impact innovations. More specifically, the digital transformation of the aquaculture sector, applying tools such as cloud services using big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence, has the capacity to increase the sector’s efficiency. The forum focussed on how improvements […]

Meet Blue-Cloud Demonstrators – March 23

    This workshop aims to demonstrate how the Blue-Cloud project is combining distributed marine data and computing resources with analytical tools to deliver services supporting marine research on better understanding & managing the many aspects of ocean sustainability and demonstrating the potential of open science in the marine domain. This innovation potential will be explored […]

Last but successful meeting of the AQUAEXCEL2020 IRAP

The AQUAEXCEL2020 Industry & Research Advisory Panel and workpackage leaders met on the 29th April – online – to select high potential industry-relevant outputs for transfer to the aquaculture industry. EATiP thanks all the experts for their input in this last but very successful meeting of the Advisory Panel. The selected project outputs will be […]


Due to the Corona virus disease (COVID-19), Tech Tour together with their partner KunnskapsParken Bodø have taken the decision to postpone the Tech Tour Ocean event to this autumn. NEW DATE: 03-04 November 2020 PLACE: Bodø, Norway (see here how to get there) Venue information: Day 1 – November 3rd Day 2 – November 4th […]