Entries by EATIP

Apply Now for the Free AQUAEXCEL2020 Training Course: “Introductory Bioinformatic Course to Sequencing Data Processing”

  Applications are now being accepted for the AQUAEXCEL2020 training course entitled “Introductory Bioinformatic Course to Sequencing Data Processing”.  This is a free face-to-face training course provided by the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling (Scotland, UK) in collaboration with INRA (France).  The course will take place at UoS, Stirling (Scotland) between 26-30 August 2019. […]

Copernicus Training workshop

Production in sea-based aquaculture is strongly interlinked with the state of the surrounding marine environment. A better use of the available data through the Copernicus Marine Environment Service can lead to more appropriate and reliable models for aquaculture planning, siting and operations. Together with Mercator Ocean International, the European provider of open marine data and […]

EOOS Conference

In November 2018, the EOOS conference was held in Brussels to discuss a better connection between ocean observation and end-user services. EATiP contributed to this process. For observations and data to have economic and societal value, the main issues to be taken into account were believed to be: Clarity & usability – streamline data access […]

14th Call for Access NOW OPEN!

Apply for fully EC-funded access to top class research infrastructures with AQUAEXCEL2020 14th Call for Access NOW OPEN! On a regular basis, the AQUAEXCEL2020 project invites proposals from European research groups for scientific research that utilises the facilities of any of the participating aquaculture research infrastructures. The AQUAEXCEL2020 project unites major aquaculture experimental facilities with […]

Deadline extended: Apply for the Free AQUAEXCEL2020 Training Course on “Laboratory Animal Science for Aquatic Research Facilities”

Applications are still being accepted for the AQUAEXCEL2020 training course entitled “Laboratory Animal Science for Aquatic Research Facilities”. This is a free face-to-face training course provided by the Institute of Marine Research (Bergen, Norway) in collaboration with other AQUAEXCEL2020 partners. The course will take place at IMR, Bergen (Norway) between 17-21 June 2019.   The application deadline […]

EATiP AGM 2019

You are kindly invited to the European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform Annual General Meeting, taking place at the Warwick Hotel in Brussels on 17 and 18 June 2019 ! The European Commission (DG RTD and DG MARE), the European Committee of the Regions, and aquaculture networks such as FABRE, Waterborne TP and SCAR-FISH will […]

A 360 video at fish farm Aquanaria

   As part of an episode on how fish farming could offer the world a more sustainable future, the Euronews Ocean team shot a 360 video at fish farm Aquanaria. The firm, which is based in the Canary Islands, says its goal is to produce perfect fish for high-end restaurants. Thanks to an innovative […]

Aquanaria fish farm in EURONEWS

With a growing population, stagnating global fish captures and changing consumer habits reaching out for more sustainable food resources, aquaculture is increasingly considered as a solution to meet the world’s growing food needs.  EURONEWS has visited the EATiP member fish farm Aquanaria to have a look at how advancements in fish farming technology are creating […]

AQUAEXCEL2020 Training Course on “Laboratory Animal Science for Aquatic Research Facilities”

Apply Now for the Free AQUAEXCEL2020 Training Course on “Laboratory Animal Science for Aquatic Research Facilities”   Applications are now being accepted for the AQUAEXCEL2020 training course entitled “Laboratory Animal Science for Aquatic Research Facilities”. This is a free face-to-face training course provided by the Institute of Marine Research (Bergen, Norway) in collaboration with other […]