The development of low trophic species aquaculture has been identified as key to obtaining significantly more food and biomass sustainably. At a European level, the Starfish Mission and the Farm to Fork Strategy have set targets to decarbonise the ocean and to reduce the food system carbon footprint respectively. Innovations in cultivation of seaweed and microalgae can contribute to reach those ambitious targets.

The EATiP Forum was co-hosted by two of its Mirror Platforms, i.e. the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) and the Irish Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (IATiP). Jointly, speakers from across Europe shared innovations within the area of seaweed and microalgae cultivation.

Welcome by the EATIP, Alexandra Neyts

Q&A from audience

Please read the report of the webinar
Please view the results of the poll


International MSc: Aquaculture Health Management

An exciting opportunity to study for a new international MSc in Aquaculture Health Management has been announced as part of the ERASMUS Mundus programme, allowing successful applicants to stay and study at 4 of Europe’s leading institutes in aquaculture: Ghent University (Belgium), Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU, Norway), Wageningen University (The Netherlands) and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona &Universitat de Barcelona (Spain).  Applicants will also be able to undertake a work placement and thesis research at one of the many industry and research partners with which these institutions engage.

see the AquaH website for further details and information on how to apply.

Noting that the aquaculture sector is steadily reaching maturity but its further growth is increasingly facing serious problems with parasites, viral, bacterial or stress-related disease outbreaks, the AquaH programme responds to the need for an expert training that prepares students to develop and implement innovative solutions to aquaculture health issues thus contributing to the sustainable development of the aquaculture industry.

For further details on the course programme, fees, and how to apply, please see the Aquah website:

The deadline for applications is 01 March 2021.

EATiP and other food sector Technology Platforms call for a more ambitious budget for Horizon Europe

As part of providing the right framework for an economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic European Heads of State and Governments agreed earlier this week on the EU budget for 2021-2027. Whilst the Council decision provides a clear direction for a rapid decision later this autumn, the reduction in funds allocated to the next Research Program “Horizon Europe” is of concern. Investment in Research and Innovation (R&I) is fundamental to improve food security and the sustainability of EU food systems and ensure development in line with the Green Deal and Farm2Form strategy objectives.

Horizon Europe – the EU Research & Innovation Programme 2021 – 2027

Together with the European Technology Platforms FABRE, Plants for the Future, TP Organics, the National Food Technology Platforms and the Animal Task Force, EATiP addresses an urgent message to the European Council, European Parliament and European Commission on the importance of R&I to support robust and resilient food, agricultural and aquaculture systems.

Read the common statement below: