EATiP provided its feedback as a reply to the Food 2030 consultation

We have now received the report – see attached. For aquaculture, pathway 3 is key: Food from the Oceans and Freshwater Resources. Innovation in science, engineering, economics and behavioural studies were identified as critical for aquaculture to achieve a higher self-sufficiency rate in Europe. Open science and innovation, multi-actor approach, interdisiciplinarity and interoperability were highlighted as important factors of future actions. This is very much in line with the EATiP recommendations and overall approach to research and innovation in aquaculture.


Summarised, the recommended focus areas for each of the prioritized R&I actions are:

  1. Boosting innovation: climate adaptation; novel and sustainable feeds
  2. Improve the quantity and quality of aquatic food: traceability and certification systems; biomass valorization; development of nutrient standards; tailor-made aquatic products
  3. Strengthening R&I capacity: collaborative partnership models; infrastructure; citizen science


Read the full report here:

VIS joins the EATiP membership

VIS or Vestlandets Innovasjonsselskap AS is an innovation network in Norway. They support scientists, entrepreneurs and students in the development of their ideas. In addition to providing advice and building networks, they carry out new establishments and innovation processes. VIS works with over 100 innovative ideas each year within a wide range of application fields, inc. aquaculture.

EATiP is looking forward to include VIS as an active member in its partnership!

A formal endorsement of its adherence as a member is to be done by the EATiP General Assembly.

Aquaculture Remote Classroom available online

The Aquaculture Remote Classroom (ARC) is a Farmed in the EU initiative aimed at educating children in primary schools about aquaculture. It has now moved online. You can see some of the interactive lessons here:

Educating the youth is an important aspect in facilitating the social acceptance and growth of aquaculture.


EATiP involved in the Blue-Cloud project

Alexandra Neyts has entered the Blue-Cloud External Stakeholders Expert Board on behalf of EATiP. Her task is to provide feedback on strategic choices, ensure the project’s relevance for aquaculture applications and advise on how to support innovations.

EATiP is eager to learn how the Blue-Cloud services might help the sector to better manage and operate its farms using tools and indicators derived from marine data. Integrated monitoring systems, transparent data collection and targeted models can contribute to a more predictable and evidence-based licensing system across Europe.

For more information, see:

Copernicus Marine Service supports marine related H2020 projects

H2020 projects can benefit from the use of free of charge marine data and information from the Copernicus Marine Service.


The Copernicus Marine Service provides free of charge marine data and information for all marine applications about:

  • the Blue ocean: temperature, salinity, currents, and waves
  • the Green ocean: nutrients, living species, sea water quality and transparency
  • the White ocean: sea ice conditions


On May 5 2020, Copernicus Marine Service launches the #CMEMSforH2020 campaign with the objective to foster the use of Copernicus Marine Data among project holders in the Horizon 2020 EU programme. This campaign is also here to help you understand the usefulness of Copernicus Marine data for your scientific discipline, business sector and research institute.


For any questions, do not hesitate to contact


Last but successful meeting of the AQUAEXCEL2020 IRAP

The AQUAEXCEL2020 Industry & Research Advisory Panel and workpackage leaders met on the 29th April – online – to select high potential industry-relevant outputs for transfer to the aquaculture industry.

EATiP thanks all the experts for their input in this last but very successful meeting of the Advisory Panel.

The selected project outputs will be presented at the next AQUAEXCEL2020 brokerage event to be held at Aquaculture Europe in Cork later in the year.

Last but not least the EATiP is pleased to announce its partnership in the follow up project AQUAEXCEL 3.0. where our EATiP experts and Mirror Platforms will play a essential role.

Read more here.