Newsletter of the 9th Bioeconomy Stakeholders Panel meeting

The 9th Bioeconomy Stakeholders Panel meeting was held in Brussels on 23 February 2018.  It was organized by the Unit F.1. Bioeconomy Strategy, DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission.  An update of the 2012 Bioeconomy Strategy is a Commission wide policy priority for 2018, with the preparation of smart objectives, indicators and impacts.

The objective of the meeting was for the Bioeconomy Stakeholders Panel to contribute with actions that the stakeholders could do themselves to move the bioeconomy forward.  Special attention is given on: stakeholder engagement, public awareness, education and skills, and local development of the Bioeconomy.



The Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) has launched its 2018 call for proposals!

This is an opportunity for the seafood producing and supplying industry and research institutions to apply for funding for Research and Innovation Actions (RIAs), Innovation Actions (IAs – DEMOs and FLAGs) or Coordination and Support Actions (CSAs).   The call will be open until September, and comprises of four main strategic orientations: Feedstock, Process, Products, and Market uptake.



Aquaculture relevant topics include:

  • BBI 2018. SO1.R1 – Resolve logistical, infrastructural and technological challenges to valorise residual and side streams from aquaculture, fisheries and the aquatic biomass processing industries
  • BBI 2018. SO3.F2 – Large-scale production of proteins for food and feed applications from alternative, sustainable sources

All calls are described in the document below:


“Water & Fish” Conference in Belgrade

The 8th Conference “Water & Fish” will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, in June 13 – 15, 2018.

The main topics are water, as organisms’ habitat, and aquatic organisms, primarily fish.  This year, focus will be on biosecurity of aquatic organisms, but also on other topics suggested through conference presentation papers or poster contributions.

For further information:




EFARO seminar on the reformed CFP

EFARO, the European organisation of the Directors of Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Organisations, is organising its annual meeting in Brussels from 23-25 May 2018.  As has become tradition the second day of the meeting will be a public event.

This year’s event on the 24th of May will have as theme: The reformed CFP: An analyses of what went wrong what went well and how should the next CFP look like.   You will find the official invitation with an overview of the programme with the topics and the invited speakers below.



To register to this seminar, click here

If you have any questions, please contact EFARO@WUR.NL



EATiP members and Mirror Platform representatives are invited to the platform’s Annual General Meeting, including the General Assembly, on 11 and 12 June (lunch to lunch), taking place at the Novotel Hotel in Brussels.  Please save the dates!  More information and the registration form will be sent to all members shortly.

All registered members are entitled to join the meeting. If you are not a member, but wish to attend, please send a message to


*UPDATE*: Please find all information regarding the AGM 2018 HERE.

AQUAEXCEL2020 – Tenth Call for Access now open

The 10th TNA Call for Access of  AQUAEXCEL2020 is now OPEN, with an application deadline of 14 May 2018.


For more information, visit: