EU Environmental Footprint Final Conference

The final conference of the Environmental Footprint Pilot Phase will take stock of the Environmental Footprint journey and explore potential future applications for the Environmental Footprint methods, looking also at the wider circular economy context.  The event will take on the 23-25 April 2018 place in the Crowne Plaza Hotel rue Gineste 3 in Brussels.

Registrations are now open. Due to high interest, only one person per organization is accepted.  The conference will also be webstreamed.

The detailed draft agenda can be downloaded here.

EcoAqua special session on “Outermost Regions and Islands” at Aqua 2018

EcoAqua will contribute to host a special session devoted to Aquaculture in the European Outermost Regions and Islands as part of the Aqua 2018 International conference, co-organized by the European and World Aquaculture Societies,  that will take place in Montpellier (France) under the theme “#We R Aquaculture” from 25 to 29 August 2018.

The objectives of that session is to present the state of the art and bring together researchers, policy-makers, managers, producers and other stakeholders working on different aspects of Aquaculture in the Outermost Regions of Europe as well as in islands around the world.  The session may include such topics as aquaculture development and policy, interactions with the society and environment, novel approaches and/or techniques adapted to local conditions, feeding and nutrition, broodstock or larval rearing, spatial planning, diseases, aquaponics, …

EcoAqua would like to cordially invite you to participate to this session of Aqua 2018 dedicated to Aquaculture in the ORs, OCTs and Islands as it will be a fantastic opportunity to show up the wealth and recent developments of Aquaculture research in those territories.


Abstracts for Oral or Poster presentation are to be submitted ONLY directly at the AQUA 2018 website. The deadline for submission has been set to the 10th of April 2018.

We would also like to take the opportunity to remind you about the existence of the EcoAqua Platform and inform you that the EcoAqua website now includes a new tool that allows interested partners to register their data online and appear on the map of institutions with aquaculture expertise in ORs and OCTs.  This will allow setting up a new portal of overseas regions and territories aquaculture key expertise, facilitating the exchange of information between partners and advertising the aquaculture potential of these regions.   You are welcome to enter your key data here after having entered the word “EcoPortal” in the code section.  This code section has been established to reduce the possibility of having spam information being entered in the portal.

Launch of the Hellenic Technology Platform for Aquaculture (HE.TE.P.A)

A technology platform for aquaculture has been set up in Greece with main objective to support the sustainable development of the sector.  The Hellenic Technology Platform for Aquaculture (HE.TE.P.A) is an industry led initiative within the context of the European Technology Platforms aiming to become a key player in driving innovation, knowledge transfer and competitiveness to the aquaculture industry in Greece.

Main stakeholders of the platform are experts from the industry and the academia who joined forces in order to shape the research agenda, identify R&D goals and mobilize both the private and public sector.  As expected, the platform will, amongst others, develop an industry led research agenda, deliver solutions and foster networking at national and international level.

Mr. Leonidas Papaharisis, chairman of HETEPA, following the election of the first BoD expressed his strong satisfaction for the creation of HETEPA as it marks will support the industry in becoming more competitive and maintain its leading position in Mediterranean aquaculture.

Temporary contact details, Mr. Antonio Coli, e-mail:

e-FishNet Press Release




  • From 5 to 9 March of 2018, the learning activity of the e-FishNet Project took place in Madrid. Contents generated will be available in the e-FishNet e-learning Platform.
  • These contents will be very useful for both trainers and fishmongers.
  • The final Seminar of this Project will take place in Madrid the 25 June 2018.


From 5 to 9 March the learning activity of the e-FishNet Project took place in Madrid.  This project is part of the Erasmus + Program, is co-funded by the European Union and was created with the aim of improving available training for the fishmongers collective in countries taking part in the Project and in Europe in general.

During this activity partners focused on creating  contents which will be useful for both  fishmongers and trainers.  These will be available in the Project’s e-learning platform, that will be the second intellectual output of the project.  Different organizations taking part in the project are currently working on this.

Different partners of the project, during the week of the activity worked on contents defined in the ideal training model decided in Reykjavik.  This model is divided in modules and units and was included in our first intellectual output which is available in our website.

Each partner worked on adapting the  contents adaptation to the e-learning format related to their knowledge area.  On Monday 5th March, Matís presented the Fishing Gears and product handling course adaptation.  On Tuesday it was Billingsgate Seafood School’s turn with their adaptation of the species identification unit.  On Wednesday adaptation of several contents related to Food Safety were presented by ANCIPA, from Portugal.

Finally on Thursday work was focused on contents related to Sustainability and Environment, and on Friday, the last day of the e-learning activity the adaptation of the Social Media course was addressed by FEDEPESCA, the organization coordinating this Project.

Representatives from Mercamadrid and the Madrid Employment Agency attended this activity and they take also part in the Consortium of the Project.  These partners will play an important role in the organization of the Multiplier Event. A representative from ARIEMA also attended.  This organization is jointly working with Matís on the e-leaning platform and also has worked on the exams and contents adaptation.

In the next months the official presentation of the e-learning platform is expected.  This platform will contain useful information for both fishmongers and trainers.  Also contents in video format will be available in each module defined in the platform.   These videos were recorded during this learning activity.

In conclusion, this activity has been very useful to move forward in our e-Fishnet Project and be able to offer complete intellectual outputs, which will be useful for the sector at a European level and presented in our Multiplier Event that will take place the 25th June in Madrid.

This communication reflects only the opinion of the author and in any case the European Union is responsible of the use given to the information contained in it.


e-FishNet is a project included in the Erasmus + Program and co-funded by the European Union.  This Project started in September 2016 and will finish in September 2018, with a total period of 24 months.  The consortium is composed of 9 Organizations from Iceland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Portugal and Spain and also we count on one organization with European scope.  FEDEPESCA is the coordinator of this project, which aims to analyze different training schemes in fishmonger’s training in the member countries, create an international collaborative network and also develop an e-learning platform with e-learning content.



Twitter: @e_fishnet

Transnational Access in EMBRIC

EMBRIC, the European Marine Biological Research Infrastructure Cluster opens its second call for Transnational Access (TA) for maturation of research projects in marine biotechnology to access high-quality research facilities and technology platforms at five European Research Infrastructures (RIs).

Transnational Access is granted on a competitive basis to applicants from academia or industry who submit innovative projects that require visits to two Access Providers of different Research Infrastructures within the EMBRIC consortium.

Registration deadline: 30 Apr 2018 

The EMBRIC TA program covers the costs of max two persons per project of:

  • Access to labs, Research services, and standard disposables (max 6 weeks)
  • Travel (max €800/person)
  • Accommodation (max €120/person-day)
  • Shipping of biological material (up to €400)

The TA program does not cover:

  • Non-standard disposables
  • Experiments required outside TA visits

For more information visit:


To maximise existing and new collaborations and strategic partnerships between Europe and south-east Asia in the aquaculture sector, EURASTiP  is staging:

Networking & brokerage events to Thailand, Vietnam and Bangladesh in 2018-2019


The aim is to improve your business through providing new opportunities and contacts.

Is your company interested in an aquaculture brokerage event/ trade mission to south-east Asia, to:

  • meet the representatives of the National aquaculture stakeholder associations (the newly established multi stakeholder aquaculture platforms or NPP’s)
  • join in a local aquaculture event, visit an aquaculture trade show (including the opportunity to participate) and meet local aquaculture stakeholders
  • visit production sites, feed companies, processors, government research institutes and universities
  • as experts shareyour insights to work together with other European and south-east Asian experts towards a joint, industry driven research agenda, paving the way for future collaborations.



The programme will be optimised according to your interests and business needs.

For further information, click here or contact:


European Bioeconomy Stakeholders MANIFESTO

This manifesto is the result of a broad, open, extensive and inclusive consultation and dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders in the field of the bioeconomy. The intention is that the resulting manifesto will recognise the opportunities and challenges of developing the bioeconomy and provide inspiration to regions and Member States, at various stages of development of their bioeconomy strategies, as well as for the EU as a whole (…)