
Inclusiveness for Sustainable Seafood Security



Special Session at the IFS on Tuesday 20 November 2018

Venue: Hansa JB Hotel, Hatyai, Thailand

Invitation to private sector, NGO’s and government to challenge our findings.


10:30 -12:30: Challenges of Pond Aquaculture and Benefits of Bioflocs Related Innovations. Session with 8 speakers, among whom Prof. Verdegem and Emeritus Prof. Sorgeloos.

13:30 – 15:00: Approaches to Design and Adoption of Innovations in Aquaculture. Session with 6 speakers among others from Wageningen University and WorldFish.

15:30 – 17:00: How can Innovations in Aquaculture Contribute to Inclusive & Sustainable Business?

A workshop introduced by Prof. Simon Bush, followed break-out discussions in a World-Café approach and a plenary to discuss three themes:

  • Feasibility of the bioflocs principle in (Improved) Extensive Aquaculture ;
  • Overcoming Constraints to Innovations by Smallholders ;
  • Inclusive Business and Sustainable Trade.

If you will or would like to join this Special Session, please inform:

If you intend to join the International Fisheries Symposium (19 to 21 November), including the workshop: please register through the IFS website.

Session organised by NWO-GCP projects of Wageningen University & Research, Prince of Songklia University, Can Tho Univers


Monday, August 27    09:00 – 15:30    Barthez

AQUA 2018 #WeRAquaculture gathers producers, investors, suppliers, processors, vendors, scientists, educators, students and consumers of farmed aquatic products worldwide in Montpellier from August 25 to 29.

As a joint effort, the Marine Resources Unit of the European Commission, Directorate General Research and Innovation (DG RTD), and EATiP are setting focus on the impact of European research for the benefit of aquaculture development within Europe as well as worldwide.  Through three consecutive sessions, they present some major outcomes of technology and innovation efforts that contribute to tackle the bottlenecks and opportunities in aquaculture towards the overall goal of ensuring food and nutrition security:

  1. Setting the scene: How can more food and biomass be obtained from aquaculture in a way that maximises the benefits for future generations?
  2. Aquaculture 4.0: automation, precision farming and data systems
  3. Sustainable global aquaculture

Listen to policy makers, debaters, scientists and innovators and join the debate that will feed into the European Commission FOOD 2030 initiative.


Please also come and visit the EATiP booth (#158) at the exhibition, which we share with the European Commission.