Introducing… our 1st EATiP Stagiaire
We are delighted to have a stagiaire working with the EATiP office (virtually…) for the month of February.
Alexandre Kabore is a student at the University of Liège. Having completed his bachelor’s degree in physics – also at ULiège – he is currently finishing a Masters in Oceanography.

Alexandre Kabore
In this context, Alex will be spending his one-month internship at EATIP to learn more about organisational aspects of the aquaculture sector.
Our secretariat have identified various work streams that Alex can help with – with regard to data and mapping exercises for aquaculture linked organisations – and we will be providing him with various contacts and addresses to approach relating to this work. So if you are approached by an Alex Kabore representing EATiP, then please accept this web post as a first introduction and thank you in advance for your welcome and assistance during his stage with our organisation.
This is the first time EATiP has hosted a student stagiaire and upon the conclusion of the exercise we will be reviewing how things worked out and what scope we might have in the future for further university collaborations with EATiP members and linked organisations. If you have any thoughts on that topic, please get in touch with us!