EATiP Annual General Meeting
21th & 22nd of June 2022 – NHOW Hotel, Rue Royale 250, Brussels
DAY 1 – 21th June 2022
- 08:30 – 09:00 Registration
- 09:00 – 12:30 “Smart Specialisation for Sustainable Blue Economy” an Aquaculture Brokerage Event
- 12:30 Lunch for participants
- 14:30 – 18:00 EATiP Annual General Meeting
- Theme 1: Aquaculture to 2030 – The European Policy Context
- Opening Key Note Speech: “Aquaculture Research & Innovation in DG MARE”
- Research and Innovation support for aquaculture within Horizon Europe and the European Missions
- Research and Innovation objectives within the work of the Aquaculture Advisory Council
- Theme 2: Considering industry priorities for research and barriers to innovation uptake.
- Industry Research priorities – a finfish perspective
- Industry Research priorities – a shellfish perspective.
- Aquaculture, Nature Based Solutions and addressing wider aquatic ecosystem research needs
- Identified research priorities within other aquaculture networks: the work of SCAR-Fish, EFARO and KBBE networks.
- Theme 3: Effective interactions within the new research and innovation landscape: applying innovation to ensure collaboration and common goals in the Blue Bio Economy
- EATiP & AquaEXCEL 3.0
- Commercialisation of research outputs for industry needs – The JPI & BlueBio Cofund perspective
- Smart Specialisation for the Blue Economy and Aquaculture
- EATiP Mirror Platforms: case studies of regional and inter-regional collaboration
- Theme 1: Aquaculture to 2030 – The European Policy Context
DAY 2 – 22nd June 2022
- 09:30 – 11:30 EATiP General Assembly
- 11:45 – 12:30 Governance Issues (only for EATiP members)
- 14:30 EATiP Mirror Platform Meeting (for mirror platforms and their members only)