A 360 video at fish farm Aquanaria


As part of an episode on how fish farming could offer the world a more sustainable future, the Euronews Ocean team shot a 360 video at fish farm Aquanaria. The firm, which is based in the Canary Islands, says its goal is to produce perfect fish for high-end restaurants. Thanks to an innovative design, the company’s net pens are fixed well away from the shore to allow strong Atlantic currents to pass through its nets.

“The fish are happier in these open waters”

Pedro Sánchez, Aquanaria’s Commercial Director, says the location and the fact the nets go deep under water creates ideal conditions for the fish to thrive:“We are in this location for many many years, in this part of the island. We have been moving away from the shore more and more and more, as soon as the technology allows us to be there, because it’s really good for — not so good for us, but it’s good for the fish. The fish are happier in these open waters.”


This article was originally posted on EURONEWS

Aquanaria fish farm in EURONEWS

With a growing population, stagnating global fish captures and changing consumer habits reaching out for more sustainable food resources, aquaculture is increasingly considered as a solution to meet the world’s growing food needs.  EURONEWS has visited the EATiP member fish farm Aquanaria to have a look at how advancements in fish farming technology are creating new opportunities to produce more sustainably and efficiently.

AQUAEXCEL2020 Training Course on “Laboratory Animal Science for Aquatic Research Facilities”

Apply Now for the Free AQUAEXCEL2020 Training Course on “Laboratory Animal Science for Aquatic Research Facilities”


Applications are now being accepted for the AQUAEXCEL2020 training course entitled “Laboratory Animal Science for Aquatic Research Facilities”. This is a free face-to-face training course provided by the Institute of Marine Research (Bergen, Norway) in collaboration with other AQUAEXCEL2020 partners. The course will take place at IMR, Bergen (Norway) between 17-21 June 2019.

AQUAEXCEL2020 aims to bring together, integrate, and open up highly diverse key national and regional aquaculture Research Infrastructures in Europe to all European researchers, from both academia and industry, ensuring their optimal use and joint development. AQUAEXCEL2020 will organise nine pioneering technical training courses in total, focusing on different aspects of aquaculture experimentation. These courses present a valuable opportunity for researchers and technicians in this field to further their experience.

This course is designed for aquaculture researchers, students and aquaculture industry stakeholders working directly with animals and will include lectures, practical exercises and field visits to experimental facilities. There will also be an industry mini-seminar entitled “From Laboratory to Industry”, taking place at the IMR Matre research station.

To apply, please send the following documents to aquaexcel@aquatt.ie, with the subject line: AQUAEXCEL2020 /TrainingCourse_ Lab_IMR

  • Completed Registration Form – HERE
  • CV / Résumé
  • A Letter of Motivation
  • Completed GDPR Consent From – HERE

The application deadline is 8 April 2019

For more information, check the leaflet below and the link to the relevant part of the AQUAEXCEL2020 website here.

Please note that applicants should not make travel arrangements unless you have received official confirmation of selection as there is only a limited number of places available.


Extra call for the EURASTiP Exchange Programme

Due to the popularity and high uptake of our successful funded exchange programme, additional funding has been identified for an extra round.


Maximise existing and new collaborations and strategic partnerships between Europe and south-east Asia in the aquaculture sector with the EURASTiP Exchange Programme. Opportunities are available for industry, researchers and educators from both regions to connect and gain new perspectives while sharing innovative ideas to help develop long term partnerships. Bursaries of up to 3000 Euro are available per exchange (subject to eligibility criteria) to support international innovation and collaboration.

Deadline: 30 April 2019

To apply: http://www.eurastip.eu/exchanges


Industry & Research Exchanges: Educator Exchanges:
Mieke Eggermont

Ghent University, Belgium


Marieke Reuver                    Jane Maher

AquaTT, Ireland                   AquaTT, Ireland

Marieke@aquatt.ie            Jane@aquatt.ie



  • Closing applications final call:  30 April 2019
  • Notification of selection:  end of May 2019
  • Exchange period:  June to September 2019



EURASTiP is an EU-funded H2020 project promoting multi-stakeholder contributions to international cooperation on sustainable solutions for aquaculture development in south-east Asia.  For more details, see the project website: http://eurastip.eu/