AQUAEXCEL 3.0 – EATiP role : disseminating Knowledge Outputs

The second IRAP (Industry & Research Advisory Panel) meeting was successfully held on the 29th June 2021 where industry relevant projects’ outputs were further discussed by our experts.

AQUAEXCEL3.0 is a research infrastructure project funded under the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020, grant agreement number 871108. AQUAEXCEL3.0 aims to further boost the European aquaculture sector by, among other methods, expanding the Transnational Access programme to support even more external research teams collaborating with its high-quality facilities, providing free training courses on the latest topics and engaging closely with industry to ensure that research is aligned with industry needs.

Similar to the previous AQUAEXCEL (FP7, 2011-2015) and AQUAEXCEL2020 (H2020, 2015-2020) projects, one of the key aspects of AQUAEXCEL3.0 is to provide subsidised access to its top-class aquaculture facilities as well as numerous highly pertinent services for researchers from academia and industry. AQUAEXCEL3.0 will also provide training for transnational access users, aquaculture researchers, technical staff and industry stakeholders.

EATiP is managing the AQUAEXCEL3.0 Industry & Research Advisory Panel (IRAP), an interactive advisory body that contributes both to upstream guidance (e.g. industry need recommendations) as well as to downstream impact/dissemination as it aims at maximizing the possibilities for new knowledge to be translated into innovation, and so substantially increases the possibilities for success.

The AQUAEXCEL3.0 IRAP acts as a pro-active interface for the project involving the research community and the aquaculture industry. This strengthens industry-research relations and develops research that meets industry needs for innovation.

The first Knowledge Outputs will be disseminated on the 29 September 2021. Save the date!

Read more about the project here.

API joins EATiP: furthering the industry / research & innovation collaboration.

EATiP is delighted to welcome as a new member to the platform API – the Associazione Piscicoltori Italiani.

API is a non-profit corporation which aims to protect, develop and consolidate all activities related to aquaculture in Italy.

API – brining Italy aquaculture industry representation to the heart of EATiP

Established in June 1964, the professional association represents over 300 fish farms operating with fresh, marine and brackish water and of many species, representing around 90% of the Italian finfish production.  Principle species farmed in Italy include Trout, Bass and Bream but there is also production of Mullet, Sturgeon (for Caviar) and Eel along with carps, catfish and other species of freshwater fish. For further details you can look at production figures here.

API’s work focuses on providing up-to-date knowledge and training opportunities to ensure the continuous professional development of fish farm workers. API has national and international recognition and exposure and collaborates with a wide range of stakeholders and a large network of fish farmers from all production methods across all of Italy.

Having collaborated informally with EATiP over a number of years through various collaborations and projects, we are delighted to welcome API to our formal list of core members.  It is vital for technology platforms to be industry led and to maintain close relations with farmers and producers.  The merits of the multi stakeholder approach is that it allows for a two way communication process between active stakeholders – industry informing and advising of their priorities and emerging issues and researchers disseminating and sharing project outputs, information on new technologies and farming practices and advice.

We look forward to continuing our close working relationship – which in Italy now includes not only API but also the research network ISPRA and the Italian Mirror Platform ITAQUA.  A strong representation to assist in driving forward the ambitions for an expanding and sustainable aquaculture sector in Europe from one of the key aquaculture producing European Union member states.

FRESHWATER AQUACULTURE: Nature-based solutions

As a recent EUMOFA study reveals the importance of the freshwater aquaculture sector is underestimated in Europe. Aquaculture in fishponds (mainly for carp production) and flow-through systems (mainly for trout farming) are the major types of freshwater aquaculture in Europe. Both types of production are currently undergoing significant changes to explore the potentials and to meet environmental, social and economic challenges. Combined intensive-extensive (CIE) systems provide good opportunities to achieve an increased fish production without compromising existing ecosystem services of fishponds and strengthening circular bioeconomy. Recirculated Aquaculture Systems (RAS) enable a more efficient use of freshwater resources and can also be integrated into the carp supply chain. Improved freshwater aquaculture systems contribute not only to the better food supply but also provide employment opportunities in rural regions while maintaining European landscapes and cultural heritage.

The EATiP Forum on Freshwater aquaculture, co-hosted by its Mirror Platform HUNATiP, addressed new trends, systems and technologies that contribute to a more efficient use and protection of freshwater resources – in Europe and at a global level.

Welcoming address:

  • by David Bassett | EATiP and László Váradi | HUNATiP 

Opening talks:

Thematic presentations:

Q&A, moderated by László Váradi | HUNATiP 

Conclusions and closing remarks

View the mentimeter results

Read the report

Watch the video: