Stiim Aqua Cluster: expanding the EATiP Mirror Platform Network

EATiP is proud to announce that a further national Mirror Platform has joined the EATiP family – Stiim Aqua Cluster.  Stiim is the sixteenth national or regional cluster to join EATiP and demonstrates the strong commitment to the Platform from the Norwegian aquaculture industry.

Stiim Aqua Cluster – the 16th national cluster to join EATiP

Stiim Aqua Cluster represent a complete ecosystem for aquaculture innovation in Norway. The cluster now has about 130 members and partners from all of the country and is located on the south-western coast of Norway.

This brings the total number or organisations gathered under the EATiP Mirror Platform umbrella to around 1000 members – reaching across all aspects of the aquaculture industry value chain.


Amongst the cluster’s main focus areas are:

  • New areas for aquaculture to enhance sustainable seafood production
  • Increasing the availability of capital to stimulate innovation and growth
  • Promoting R&D projects and sharing of knowledge in member companies
  • Facilitating networking events and increasing competence within the indutstry

Blue Planet Academy is the cluster’s platform for promoting best practice in aquaculture. Blue Planet Academy is the world’s largest e-learning platform on aquaculture, offering thousands of videos and a variety of online courses on fish species from salmon to tilapia to customers around the world.

EATiP are delighted to welcome Stiim as a formal member of the platform and look forward to the increased experience, knowledge and potential for aquaculture innovation that our collaboration will bring.

Further details are available from the Stiim Aqua Cluster website and also through the LinkedIn network @Stiim Aqua Cluster

Mediterranean and Black Sea regional marine data for aquaculture workshop

The workshop was organized by EATiP in conjunction with Copernicus Marine, EMODnet and the European Commission (DG MARE and DG DEFIS), as a follow-up of the successful event addressing environmental monitoring for aquaculture in the North Atlantic (see the report on MARINE DATA TO SUPPORT AQUACULTURE IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC). About 80 aquaculture company stakeholders, experienced data users and providers, researchers and coastal managers from across the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions gathered to explore opportunities for open source marine environmental data to support and innovate the aquaculture sector.

Both the Marine Food sector related Copernicus Marine Service and the EMODnet portfolios provide valuable marine data, services and tools that might be combined with coastal models, data networks and measurements by aquaculture farms in order to contribute to a better management and operation plans.

The objectives of the workshop and a summary of the marine data from the aquaculture industry in a set of different countries in the region are attached. Information in the latter was assembled by EATiP, its regional Mirror Platforms and by key national stakeholders, based on information from national and regional authorities that are responsible for aquaculture management and spatial planning. Both documents supported the attendants of the Mediterranean and Black Seas meeting in understanding the current of play and the expectations towards a future collaborative network for better use of current data.

Thank you to all who joined the workshop!

The report  is now available here.