Benvenuto ISPRA!
We are delighted to announce that the latest new member to join EATiP is ISPRA – the Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research. ISPRA is a public research institute comprising some 1200 staff, with 8 Regional offices in Italy, Headquartered in Rome. It is the institutional and technical-scientific reference point within Italy for environmental monitoring, control and reporting with respect to environmental protection, the evaluation and mitigation of environmental impacts, and monitoring of the quality of the environment, habitats and biodiversity including land, air, sea and sustainable use of natural resources. In addition ISPRA:
- coordinates the Italian National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA), comprising 19 Regional and 2 Provincial Environmental Protection Agencies with a workforce of over 10,000 employees. ISPRA also formally supports the Civil Protection for seismic, hydrogeological and environmental risks
- provides technical support to the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea and other governmental authorities responsible for environmental policies and promotes and implements research and strategic approaches to tackle all issues concerning biodiversity and habitat conservation, sustainability, circular economy and green transition.
- is the statutory National Competence Centre for: Waste cycle and circular economy; Environmental emergencies; Coastal environment and oceanography; Environmental education, libraries and museums network; Environmental laboratories.
Aquaculture & ISPRA

ISPRA – further expanding the EATiP Network
Focussing on aquaculture, the Sustainable Aquaculture Area in ISPRA is organized under the Department for Environment and Biodiversity. It provides technical and scientific support on aquaculture issues to national and regional competent authorities, Producer’s Associations and aquaculture companies.
The aquaculture group has coordinated more than 50 research projects in marine and freshwater aquaculture among others:
CADEAU This project developed tools to support the enforcement of EU Directives related to coastal areas, with particular reference to WFD, MSFD, MSPD & BWD. This is just one action that ISPRA has been engaged in as part of the wider Copernicus Programme, building an active dialogue between aquaculture stakeholders and increasing the awareness of EO tools and Copernicus outputs.
PerformFISH. Part of the Horizon 2020 programme, this project considers a European wide collection of production data at farm level, in collaboration with over 90% of Med-EU marine fish farms, for sectoral analysis on sustainability, efficiency and environmental performances of aquaculture companies. ISPRA developed a benchmarking system based on 55 Key Performances Indicators (KPIs) and an aquaculture cloud (allocated in D4Science in coll. With CNR-ISTI) that is used today by the five Producer’s Associations of Italy, Croatia, France, Spain, Greece and by fish farms Companies for sustainability analysis at farm and sectoral level.