EC reports on Sustainable Food Systems

A Scientific Opinion was published by the Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) on “Towards a sustainable food system”, based on evidence and reviews provided by the Scientific Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA) Working Group. A step-wise policy transition and fully integrated approach is suggested to deliver an inclusive, ‘just’ and timely transition to an EU sustainable food system, in line with the forthcoming Farm to Fork Strategy.

Technological innovations in aquaculture can empower the food systems to evolve sustainably, such as precision farming, RAS, algae or insect based foodstuffs, and new processing technologies to increase shelf-life. Overall, research needs to contribute to the promotion of a sustainable intensification, combining an increased efficiency with decreased environmental burden, to the reuse and recycling of food waste, to improve the resilience of food systems towards climate change, and to improved monitoring. Social sciences can provide insights in the various components of food systems and their dynamics in relation to sustainability objectives.


Both reports take an integrated systems-based approach.

Scientific opinion on Sustainable food system

SAPEA evidence report on Sustainable Food Systems

On COVID-19 in aquaculture research and innovation

The aquaculture is faced by a number of challenges, due to stringent safety regulations and to a decrease in turnover and market prices.

EATiP has gathered information of relevance:

  • EC Question & Answers on COVID-19 and food safety, as well as a fact sheet and information note. For more info on the EC help to local aquaculture communities, read HERE
  • The COVID-19 Message Board is a website for sharing news about initiatives and actions being taken by FLAGs, National Networks and Managing Authorities to support small-scale aquaculture
  • A lot of H2020 call deadlines have been extended. The European Research Area corona platform shows all updated deadlines HERE
  • The European Commission has launched the 2020 EMFF pre-financing process in advance, allowing the member states to accelerate investements. The amended regulation can be read HERE
  • The EU Council proposed an amendment of the EMFF regulation, introducing a set of measures to financially support the aquaculture sector. Read the press release HERE
  • A market analysis is provided in the latest EUMOFA and COVID-19 monitoring bulletin HERE

Any other measures you know about? Take contact with