‘Training and Trade’ and to the ‘Sustainable Aquaculture’ session at SeaTechWeek.

On October 10th, Catherine Pons participated at the SeaTechWeek in Brest (France), an international marine science & technology week on marine bioresources.

Norway was guest of honour and several talks and workshops were organised on the latest technologies and methods for better management of marine resources in Norway.

The event lasted 5 days and many parallel sessions took place on Technology, Socio-economics, Management & Preservation, Bio process, Regulation, Environment and Fisheries & Aquaculture.

EATiP was invited to the second round table plenary session, entitled ‘Training and Trade’ and to the ‘Sustainable Aquaculture’.

More on the event @ http://www.seatechweek.eu/

AQUAEXCEL2020 12th TNA Call for access is now open !

The twelfth TNA call for access with AQUAEXCEL2020 is now open. This gives European researchers and research teams the opportunity to apply for scientific research that utilises the facilities of any of the 39 participating aquaculture research facilities.   The closing date for this call is the 16th of November 2018.


For further information, visit AQUAEXCEL2020  or check to leaflet below:

Copernicus for Fisheries and Aquaculture

On October 2nd, Alexandra Neyts participated at the Copernicus workshop in Brussels, organised by DG GROW and designed to profile the programme to its potential end users in the fisheries and aquaculture sector.

Copernicus is a data monitoring service, based on both satellite and in situ observations.  All marine issues are gathered under the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS). CMEMS may provide a suitable framework for the development of better models for aquaculture siting and licensing, and opportunities for collaboration with EATiP are being investigated.

Also, the FAO BlueBridge initiative may be of use to the aquaculture sector.  It is developing services to support the analysis of socio-economic performance in aquaculture, and supports capacity building through converting operation data into knowledge to improve companies’ efficiency, sustainability and profitability.

Finally, the “Support Aquaculture and Fisheries Industry” (SAFI) project, is about exploiting Earth Observation resources to support the industries in coastal regions.  A webGIS tool was developed based on registrations from satellites, in order to identify optimal site locations for fish farms.

For more information: http://copernicus.eu/fisheries-aquaculture-workshop


Inclusiveness for Sustainable Seafood Security



Special Session at the IFS on Tuesday 20 November 2018

Venue: Hansa JB Hotel, Hatyai, Thailand

Invitation to private sector, NGO’s and government to challenge our findings.


10:30 -12:30: Challenges of Pond Aquaculture and Benefits of Bioflocs Related Innovations. Session with 8 speakers, among whom Prof. Verdegem and Emeritus Prof. Sorgeloos.

13:30 – 15:00: Approaches to Design and Adoption of Innovations in Aquaculture. Session with 6 speakers among others from Wageningen University and WorldFish.

15:30 – 17:00: How can Innovations in Aquaculture Contribute to Inclusive & Sustainable Business?

A workshop introduced by Prof. Simon Bush, followed break-out discussions in a World-Café approach and a plenary to discuss three themes:

  • Feasibility of the bioflocs principle in (Improved) Extensive Aquaculture ;
  • Overcoming Constraints to Innovations by Smallholders ;
  • Inclusive Business and Sustainable Trade.

If you will or would like to join this Special Session, please inform: roel.bosma@wur.nl

If you intend to join the International Fisheries Symposium (19 to 21 November), including the workshop: please register through the IFS website.

Session organised by NWO-GCP projects of Wageningen University & Research, Prince of Songklia University, Can Tho Univers

AQUAEXCEL2020 latest newsletter

The fifth edition of the AQUAEXCEL2020 project newsletter has now been published and is available to download from the AQUAEXCEL2020 website (or see below).


As well as recent news and highlights from the project, you will find a full list of future aquaculture training courses and Transnational Access calls, a tasty fish recipe and fishy brain teaser!

The newsletter is one of nine which will be published throughout the duration of AQUAEXCEL2020, an H2020-funded research infrastructure project that aims to support the sustainable growth of the aquaculture sector in Europe.