Monday, August 27    09:00 – 15:30    Barthez

AQUA 2018 #WeRAquaculture gathers producers, investors, suppliers, processors, vendors, scientists, educators, students and consumers of farmed aquatic products worldwide in Montpellier from August 25 to 29.

As a joint effort, the Marine Resources Unit of the European Commission, Directorate General Research and Innovation (DG RTD), and EATiP are setting focus on the impact of European research for the benefit of aquaculture development within Europe as well as worldwide.  Through three consecutive sessions, they present some major outcomes of technology and innovation efforts that contribute to tackle the bottlenecks and opportunities in aquaculture towards the overall goal of ensuring food and nutrition security:

  1. Setting the scene: How can more food and biomass be obtained from aquaculture in a way that maximises the benefits for future generations?
  2. Aquaculture 4.0: automation, precision farming and data systems
  3. Sustainable global aquaculture

Listen to policy makers, debaters, scientists and innovators and join the debate that will feed into the European Commission FOOD 2030 initiative.


Please also come and visit the EATiP booth (#158) at the exhibition, which we share with the European Commission.



High Energy Mariculture Conference

The 9th edition of the conference and the first to be held as High Energy Mariculture will be held in Corfu, Greece from 17th-19th October. The conference supported by EATiP, has become a staple in the calendars of offshore mariculture industry and the 2018 programme has just been announced.

Sessions will cover:

  • Technology for High Energy operations and includes a presentation from Noralf Rønningen, Project and Development Manager, Aqualine and Board Member, EATiP on preparing technologies and systems for future growth;
  • Site Selection;
  • Hatcheries, breeding and genetics;
  • Feed and fish health;
  • Improving product value through marketing, certification and awards;
  • Business development and investment; and,
  • Successful high energy operations.

The full programme can be viewed here.


The conference offers six networking sessions, a conference dinner and a technical visit to the Corfu Sea Farm, allowing delegates to discuss their operations, technology or service away from the conference setting. This will provide delegates with the opportunity to meet with farmers and those involved in the industry first hand.

Places are limited, book online before 17th August and receive a 15% early bird discount by using the code ‘early’.

After the 17th August, members of EATiP are entitled to save 10% on the standard delegate rate – call the conference team on +44 1329 825335 or email