
EATiP in Government Europa: How to approach aquaculture innovation

European aquaculture encompasses the cultivation of a wide range of fish and shellfish species and is a truly pan-European production activity, which has grown rapidly from a cottage industry in the 1960s into an industrial sector that is composed of multinational companies, SMEs and family firms.

A common thread to each of aquaculture’s components is the knowledge base that has been developed through innovative research and development activities, led by universities and institutes throughout Europe, which have contributed to globally recognised levels of excellence in innovation.

Aquaculture in Europe has created a dynamic and effective knowledge-based sector. While most of the products of European aquaculture are destined for the European consumer, the sector’s service and knowledge activities have set international standards for global aquaculture innovation and development.

The European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EATiP) has been designed to include all members of the European aquaculture value chain, from suppliers through producers to processors within the profession, as well as leading research groups and key representative organisations.

Goverment Europa this week had a chat with EATiP general secretary Alexandra Neyts about the importance of a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to aquaculture innovation. Among the things that were discussed, was the strategic research and innovation agenda (SRIA) and EATiPs involvement in different aquaculture projects.

(Retrieved from

Read the article here! 

SRIA and projects

You can read the Review of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda document here. Also, make sure to read about the projects EATiP is involved with.

Inclusiveness for Sustainable Seafood Security



Special Session at the IFS on Tuesday 20 November 2018

Venue: Hansa JB Hotel, Hatyai, Thailand

Invitation to private sector, NGO’s and government to challenge our findings.


10:30 -12:30: Challenges of Pond Aquaculture and Benefits of Bioflocs Related Innovations. Session with 8 speakers, among whom Prof. Verdegem and Emeritus Prof. Sorgeloos.

13:30 – 15:00: Approaches to Design and Adoption of Innovations in Aquaculture. Session with 6 speakers among others from Wageningen University and WorldFish.

15:30 – 17:00: How can Innovations in Aquaculture Contribute to Inclusive & Sustainable Business?

A workshop introduced by Prof. Simon Bush, followed break-out discussions in a World-Café approach and a plenary to discuss three themes:

  • Feasibility of the bioflocs principle in (Improved) Extensive Aquaculture ;
  • Overcoming Constraints to Innovations by Smallholders ;
  • Inclusive Business and Sustainable Trade.

If you will or would like to join this Special Session, please inform:

If you intend to join the International Fisheries Symposium (19 to 21 November), including the workshop: please register through the IFS website.

Session organised by NWO-GCP projects of Wageningen University & Research, Prince of Songklia University, Can Tho Univers

EURASTiP Exchange Programme – Second Call Now Open

Receive up to €3000 to connect with aquaculture experts in Europe and South-East Asia

Maximise existing and new collaborations and strategic partnerships between Europe and south-east Asia in the aquaculture sector with the EURASTiP Exchange Programme.  Opportunities are available for industry, researchers and educators from both regions to connect and gain new perspectives while sharing innovative ideas to help develop long term partnerships.  Bursaries of up to €3000 are available per exchange (subject to eligibility criteria) to support international innovation and collaboration.

Deadline: 30 September 2018

More details and to apply: see attached flyer, and



Industry & Research Exchanges: Educator Exchanges:
Mieke Eggermont

Ghent University, Belgium

Marieke Reuver

AquaTT, Ireland


EURASTiP is an EU-funded H2020 project promoting multi-stakeholder contributions to international cooperation on sustainable solutions for aquaculture development in south-east Asia.  For more details, see the project website: