AQUIMER – launching of the French EATiP Mirror Platform

Since 2005 the AQUIMER cluster brings together large and small businesses, research laboratories and training institutions in the field of seafood resources to support innovation in France. As an EATiP Mirror Platform, AQUIMER is bringing its research priorities, development needs and ideas for innovation to a European level.
The workshop on June 26 in Paris gathered an active group of aquaculture stakeholders to discuss the EATiP position paper and its recommendations towards Horizon Europe.

The video sums up the aim of the event and the ideas to be further elaborated:

Follow us on the pathway towards a new research and innovation programme for aquaculture in Europe!



EATiP AGM 2019 – sum up


Positioning Aquaculture Innovation and Research for Industry Development

EATiP members and collaborators gathered in Brussels on June 17 and 18 to discuss the positioning of aquaculture innovation and research for the development of the sector.  After the President, Gustavo Larrazábal, opened the event, an update of platform actions and achievements was given by Alexandra Neyts.  The European Commission (DG RTD and DG MARE), the European Committee of the Regions, and the expert group on Blue Skills presented the upcoming strategies, including Horizon Europe, the Blue Economy and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and measures towards an integrated aquaculture policy and innovation.  Priorities developed by co-technology platforms FABRE and Waterborne and by the SCAR-FISH working group were outlined.  Through consultative group discussions, results from the EATiP Mirror Platform exercise on R&I recommendations were debated and refined.  Day two of the General Meeting started with an elaboration of the Copernicus aquaculture joint event (24-25 September in Athens), followed by presentations of project activities, incl. EURASTIPAQUAEXCEL2020AORAPARAFISHCONTROL and AQUA-LIT.  After a discussion on public awareness, previously identified as one of the major challenges of aquaculture in Europe, the floor was opened to all members to provide suggestions for collaborative actions needed to stimulate industry-relevant aquaculture research and innovation in the years to come.

All presentations have been made available to the EATiP members through our joint communication platform.

The summary of the meeting can be downloaded here:

EATiP wants to thank all contributors and participants for motivating us to further engage and collaborate on behalf of the aquaculture multi-stakeholder community!

You can join the EATiP activities by:

–          Becoming a member: see conditions

–          Registering for the Brokerage event in Vietnam and Thailand, supported by the EURASTiP project

–          Signing up for the Copernicus aquaculture workshop (September, Athens)

–          Expressing your interest to present your project at the EU-EATiP Day at Aquaculture Europe ’19, focusing on the low-trophic aquaculture value chain

–          Participating in the aquaculture public outreach survey (through the AORA project)

–          Involving EATiP as a partner in your project proposals

If you have inquiries to any of the above, please contact or the General Secretary

EATiP at Aquaculture Europe 2019 in Berlin

Save the date – 9th October 2019 – to attend our EU-EATiP Day !

Visit our Booth #149 to know more about EATiP and its Mirror Platforms

Learn more about EURASTiP and AQUAEXCEL2020




Deep Blue Newsletter


Are you a post-graduate student or a young researcher?

The training in “Advanced Scientific Knowledge of Marine Environment” aims to share knowledge and scientific expertise on methods and modelling tools in assessing environmental impacts in the marine sector. The training will take place from October 21st to October 25th 2019. The selection procedures go from June 28th to July 26th, while the selected candidates will be notified within July 30th.

Take your chance and click the button below in order to apply!



The first advanced training session – “Sea governance and blue growth: balancing sustainable use and conservation through Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) in the field of fisheries and aquaculture” – of Deep Blue project will take place in Trieste (Italy) from September 23rd to September 27th 2019.


Apply for fully EC-funded access to top class research infrastructures with AQUAEXCEL2020

15th Call for Access NOW OPEN!

On a regular basis, the AQUAEXCEL2020 project invites proposals from European research groups for scientific research that utilises the facilities of any of the participating aquaculture research infrastructures. The AQUAEXCEL2020 project unites major aquaculture experimental facilities with capacity to undertake experimental trials on a selection of commercially important fish aquaculture species and system types. These installations are made available to the research community for Transnational Access (TNA) with the support of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. Transnational Access involves a research group in one country collaborating with one or more AQUAEXCEL2020 Infrastructures that are located in a different country to the applicant, and which offer facilities and expertise not available in their own country.

Deadline: 13 September 2019

More details and to apply: see attached flyer, and

Further details about the scheme and full instructions for preparing and submitting proposals are available on the website. For further queries regarding the Call for Access please contact John Bostock:

Interested people with a project idea who need a little help finding the right facility can contact our orientation committee at

We also have a number of “success stories” from previous TNA users – which can be used as inspiration. Here TNA users have described how they utilised this opportunity and how the TNA has benefited their research and careers.

AQUAEXCEL2020 is a research infrastructure project funded under the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme and coordinated by the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA). The project aims to further support the sustainable growth of the European aquaculture sector. For more details see the project website:

AQUAEXCEL 2020: REGISTRATIONS now open for free “Fish Nutrition and Feeding” Training Course

Apply Now for the Free AQUAEXCEL2020 Training Course: “Fish Nutrition and Feeding”


Applications are now being accepted for the AQUAEXCEL2020 training course entitled “Fish Nutrition and Feeding”. This is a free face-to-face training course provided by Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) UMR1419 NUMEA (Nutrition, Métabolisme, Aquaculture), France with the assistance and expertise of Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) (Spain), Wageningen University (WU) (the Netherlands) and University of Stirling (UoS) (United Kingdom). The course will take place at INRA Aquapôle, Saint Pée sur Nivelle, France between 18-22 November 2019.

AQUAEXCEL2020 aims to bring together, integrate, and open up highly diverse key national and regional aquaculture Research Infrastructures in Europe to all European researchers, from both academia and industry, ensuring their optimal use and joint development. AQUAEXCEL2020 will organise nine pioneering technical training courses in total, focusing on different aspects of aquaculture experimentation. These courses present a valuable opportunity for researchers and technicians in this field to further their experience.

This course is designed for professionals from the fish feed industry who are interested in updating their knowledge on fish nutrition and new aquafeeds formulation. Students who are interested in specialising in fish nutrition are also welcome on this course. The course is also open to companies producing new feed ingredients (insect, micro and macroalgae, pre or probiotics) who would like to discover opportunities to enlarge their market to the fish feed production sector.

 To apply, please send the following documents to, with the subject line: AQUAEXCEL2020/TrainingCourse_Nutrition_INRA

The application deadline is 29 July 2019

For more information, check the promotional leaflet and the link to the relevant part of the AQUAEXCEL2020 website. Please note that applicants should not make travel arrangements unless you have received official confirmation of selection as there is only a limited number of places available.  

Survey on aquaculture outreach


Public perception has been identified by EATiP as a major issue in reaching  a social license to grow. The EU-funded AORA project has performed a study in the US and Canada, but are still missing the feedback from European stakeholders to be able to provide an adequate analysis of the situation here.

In addition to the draft results presented and discussed at the EATiP AGM in Brussels, we kindly ask the aquaculture stakeholders to please answer the survey on aquaculture outreach at by July 15 at the latest. It should not take more than 10-15 minutes.

An analysis of the results will be made available to through EATiP.  Please spread the invitation to your colleagues and collaborators.

Thank you in advance for your contribution!