AQUAEXCEL2020 training course “Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) Technology

Applications are now being accepted for the AQUAEXCEL2020 training course entitled “Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) Technology”.

This is a free face-to-face training course provided by Wageningen University, which will take place at Wageningen University, the Netherlands between the 6th  and  9th of May 2019.  The course is designed for aquaculture professionals interested in the potential applications of RAS and will include traditional lectures, practical exercises and field visits to experimental facilities.  There will also be an industry mini-seminar designed (1) for the participants to network with professionals and (2) for professionals who would like to hear the latest discussions and scientific developments in the RAS sector.

The closing date for applications is the 19th of March 2019. For more information and details on how to apply, please visit the website




EATiP included in SCAR-FISH

SCAR-FISH is one of the Strategic Working Groups of the Standing Committee on Agriculture Research established by the European Commission as a source of scientific advice.  It consists of representatives from research organisations and institutions in different countries of the European Research Area. In 2018, they published a comprehensive report on Fish Welfare.  On February 19, Alexandra Neyts presented EATiP and the opportunities for joint actions in order to strengthen aquaculture in the European bioeconomy.  EATiP was granted the status of observer in SCAR-FISH and will assist in its meetings to represent the opinion of the European aquaculture sector.

13th Call for Access

The 13th TNA call for access with AQUAEXCEL2020 is now OPEN, with an application deadline of 8th March 2019.  This gives European researchers and research teams the opportunity to apply for scientific research that utilises the facilities of any of the 39 participating aquaculture research facilities.


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More information can also be found on the project website :


Interested people with a project idea who need a little help finding the right facility can contact our orientation committee at


There are also a number of “success stories” from previous TNA users –  which can be used as inspiration.  Here TNA users have described how they utilised this opportunity and how the TNA has benefited their research and careers.