API joins EATiP: furthering the industry / research & innovation collaboration.

EATiP is delighted to welcome as a new member to the platform…

FRESHWATER AQUACULTURE: Nature-based solutions

As a recent EUMOFA study reveals the importance of the freshwater…

Developing sustainable aquaculture in the south Atlantic

All Atlantic Conference Side Event - 03 June 2021 - "Developing…

"Knowledge & Innovation key": Strategic Guidelines for EU Aquaculture - The next decade.

EATiP welcomes the publication by the European Commission (DG…

Stiim Aqua Cluster: expanding the EATiP Mirror Platform Network

EATiP is proud to announce that a further national Mirror Platform…

Mediterranean and Black Sea regional marine data for aquaculture workshop

The workshop was organized by EATiP in conjunction with Copernicus…


Presentations are now online.   Enabling technologies…

We're growing again!

EATiP is delighted to announce that EBCD - the European Bureau…

Meet Blue-Cloud Demonstrators - March 23

    This workshop aims to demonstrate…

Benvenuto ISPRA!

We are delighted to announce that the latest new member to join…

EATiP Communication Survey

Effective communication is vital in order to successfully engage…

Introducing... our 1st EATiP Stagiaire

We are delighted to have a stagiaire working with the EATiP office…